
200 lines
7.7 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'constants'
# This module contains a Ruby port of Python logic from the `get_tests` method of the
# `` script (see copy of original code in a comment at the bottom of this file):
# The logic and structure is as unchanged as possible from the original Python - no
# cleanup or refactoring was done.
# Changes from the original logic were made to follow Ruby/GitLab syntax, idioms, and linting rules.
# Additional logic was also added to:
# 1. Capture all nested headers, not just the most recent.
# 2. Raise an exception if an unexpected state is encountered.
# Comments indicate where changes, deletions, or additions were made.
# See more detailed documentation of rules regarding the handling of headers
# in the comments at the top of `Glfm::UpdateExampleSnapshots#add_example_names`,
# in `scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots.rb`
module Glfm
module ParseExamples
include Constants
# rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize
def parse_examples(spec_txt_lines)
line_number = 0
start_line = 0
example_number = 0
markdown_lines = []
html_lines = []
state = REGULAR_TEXT # 0 regular text, 1 markdown example, 2 html output
extensions = []
headertext = '' # most recent header text
headers = [] # all nested headers since last H2 - new logic compared to original Python code
tests = []
h1_regex = /\A# / # new logic compared to original Python code
h2_regex = /\A## / # new logic compared to original Python code
h3_regex = /\A### / # new logic compared to original Python code
header_regex = /\A#+ / # Added beginning of line anchor to original Python code
spec_txt_lines.each do |line|
line_number += 1
stripped_line = line.strip
if stripped_line.start_with?(EXAMPLE_BEGIN_STRING)
# If beginning line of an example block...
extensions = stripped_line[(EXAMPLE_BACKTICKS_LENGTH + " example".length)..].split
elsif stripped_line == EXAMPLE_END_STRING
# Else if end line of an example block...
example_number += 1
end_line = line_number
# NOTE: The original implementation completely excludes disabled examples, but we need
# to include them in order to correctly count the header numbering, so we set a flag
# instead. This will need to be accounted for when we run conformance testing.
# unless extensions.include?('disabled') # commented logic compared to original Python code
tests <<
markdown:'→', "\t"),
html:'→', "\t"),
example: example_number,
start_line: start_line,
end_line: end_line,
section: headertext,
extensions: extensions,
headers: headers.dup, # new logic compared to original Python code
disabled: extensions.include?('disabled') # new logic compared to original Python code
# end # commented logic compared to original Python code
start_line = 0
markdown_lines = []
html_lines = []
elsif stripped_line == "."
# Else if the example divider line...
# Else if we are currently in a markdown example...
elsif state == MARKDOWN_EXAMPLE
start_line = line_number - 1 if start_line == 0
elsif state == HTML_OUTPUT
# Else if we are currently in the html output...
elsif state == REGULAR_TEXT && line =~ header_regex
# Else if we are in regular text and it is a header line
# NOTE: This assumes examples are within the section under
# Heading level 2 with Heading levels above 2 ignored
# Extract the header text from the line
headertext = line.gsub(header_regex, '').strip
# The 'headers' array is new logic compared to the original Python code
# reset the headers array if we found a new H1
headers = [] if line =~ h1_regex
# headers should be size 3 or less [<H1_headertext>, <H2_headertext>, <H3_headertext>]
if headers.length == 1 && line =~ h3_regex
errmsg = "Error: The H3 '#{headertext}' may not be nested directly within the H1 '#{headers[0]}'. " \
" Add an H2 header before the H3 header."
raise errmsg
if (headers.length == 2 || headers.length == 3) && line =~ h2_regex
# drop the everything but first entry from the headers array if we are in an H2 and found a new H2
headers = [headers[0]]
elsif headers.length == 3 && line =~ h3_regex
# pop the last entry from the headers array if we are in an H3 and found a new H3
# push the new header text to the headers array
headers << headertext if line =~ h1_regex || line =~ h2_regex || line =~ h3_regex
# Else if we are in regular text...
# This else block is new logic compared to original Python code
# Sanity check for state machine
raise 'Unexpected state encountered when parsing examples' unless state == REGULAR_TEXT
# no-op - skips any other non-header regular text lines
# rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize
# Original `get_tests` method from
# rubocop:disable Style/BlockComments
# rubocop:disable Style/AsciiComments
def get_tests(specfile):
line_number = 0
start_line = 0
end_line = 0
example_number = 0
markdown_lines = []
html_lines = []
state = 0 # 0 regular text, 1 markdown example, 2 html output
extensions = []
headertext = ''
tests = []
header_re = re.compile('#+ ')
with open(specfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as specf:
for line in specf:
line_number = line_number + 1
l = line.strip()
if l.startswith("`" * 32 + " example"):
state = 1
extensions = l[32 + len(" example"):].split()
elif l == "`" * 32:
state = 0
example_number = example_number + 1
end_line = line_number
if 'disabled' not in extensions:
"example": example_number,
"start_line": start_line,
"end_line": end_line,
"section": headertext,
"extensions": extensions})
start_line = 0
markdown_lines = []
html_lines = []
elif l == ".":
state = 2
elif state == 1:
if start_line == 0:
start_line = line_number - 1
elif state == 2:
elif state == 0 and re.match(header_re, line):
headertext = header_re.sub('', line).strip()
return tests
# rubocop:enable Style/BlockComments
# rubocop:enable Style/AsciiComments