Doug Goldstein 2f3df4cb56 HipChat service: correct service name & use v2 API
HipChat refers to their own product camel cased so we should do the
same. HipChat no longer recommends people use the deprecated v1 API so
switch to using the v2 API by default. hipchat-rb does not yet default
to v2 in any version so it must be specified.
2014-11-19 21:26:58 -06:00

259 lines
4.7 KiB

source ""
def darwin_only(require_as)
RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin') && require_as
def linux_only(require_as)
RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('linux') && require_as
gem "rails", "~> 4.1.0"
# Make links from text
gem 'rails_autolink', '~> 1.1'
# Default values for AR models
gem "default_value_for", "~> 3.0.0"
# Supported DBs
gem "mysql2", group: :mysql
gem "pg", group: :postgres
# Auth
gem "devise", '3.2.4'
gem "devise-async", '0.9.0'
gem 'omniauth', "~> 1.1.3"
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
gem 'omniauth-twitter'
gem 'omniauth-github'
gem 'omniauth-shibboleth'
# Extracting information from a git repository
# Provide access to Gitlab::Git library
gem "gitlab_git", '7.0.0.rc12'
# Ruby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler
gem 'gitlab-grack', '~> 2.0.0.pre', require: 'grack'
# LDAP Auth
gem 'gitlab_omniauth-ldap', '1.2.0', require: "omniauth-ldap"
# Git Wiki
gem 'gollum-lib', '~> 3.0.0'
# Language detection
gem "gitlab-linguist", "~> 3.0.0", require: "linguist"
gem "grape", "~> 0.6.1"
gem "grape-entity", "~> 0.4.2"
gem 'rack-cors', require: 'rack/cors'
# Format dates and times
# based on human-friendly examples
gem "stamp"
# Enumeration fields
gem 'enumerize'
# Pagination
gem "kaminari", "~> 0.15.1"
gem "haml-rails"
# Files attachments
gem "carrierwave"
# Drag and Drop UI
gem 'dropzonejs-rails'
# for aws storage
gem "fog", "~> 1.14"
gem "unf"
# Authorization
gem "six"
# Seed data
gem "seed-fu"
# Markup pipeline for GitLab
gem 'html-pipeline-gitlab', '~> 0.1.0'
# Markdown to HTML
gem "github-markup"
# Required markup gems by github-markdown
gem 'redcarpet', '~> 3.1.2'
gem 'RedCloth'
gem 'rdoc', '~>3.6'
gem 'org-ruby', '= 0.9.9'
gem 'creole', '~>0.3.6'
gem 'wikicloth', '=0.8.1'
gem 'asciidoctor', '= 0.1.4'
# Diffs
gem 'diffy', '~> 3.0.3'
# Application server
group :unicorn do
gem "unicorn", '~> 4.6.3'
gem 'unicorn-worker-killer'
# State machine
gem "state_machine"
# Issue tags
gem "acts-as-taggable-on"
# Background jobs
gem 'slim'
gem 'sinatra', require: nil
gem 'sidekiq', '2.17.0'
# HTTP requests
gem "httparty"
# Colored output to console
gem "colored"
# GitLab settings
gem 'settingslogic'
# Misc
gem "foreman"
gem 'version_sorter'
# Cache
gem "redis-rails"
# Campfire integration
gem 'tinder', '~> 1.9.2'
# HipChat integration
gem "hipchat", "~> 1.4.0"
# Flowdock integration
gem "gitlab-flowdock-git-hook", "~> 0.4.2"
# Gemnasium integration
gem "gemnasium-gitlab-service", "~> 0.2"
# Slack integration
gem "slack-notifier", "~> 1.0.0"
# d3
gem "d3_rails", "~> 3.1.4"
# underscore-rails
gem "underscore-rails", "~> 1.4.4"
# Sanitize user input
gem "sanitize", '~> 2.0'
# Protect against bruteforcing
gem "rack-attack"
# Ace editor
gem 'ace-rails-ap'
# Keyboard shortcuts
gem 'mousetrap-rails'
# Semantic UI Sass for Sidebar
gem 'semantic-ui-sass', '~>'
gem "sass-rails", '~> 4.0.2'
gem "coffee-rails"
gem "uglifier"
gem "therubyracer"
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'jquery-turbolinks'
gem 'select2-rails'
gem 'jquery-atwho-rails', "~> 0.3.3"
gem "jquery-rails"
gem "jquery-ui-rails"
gem "jquery-scrollto-rails"
gem "raphael-rails", "~> 2.1.2"
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.0'
gem "font-awesome-rails", '~> 4.2'
gem "gitlab_emoji", "~>"
gem "gon", '~> 5.0.0'
gem 'nprogress-rails'
gem 'request_store'
gem "virtus"
gem 'addressable'
group :development do
gem "annotate", "~> 2.6.0.beta2"
gem "letter_opener"
gem 'quiet_assets', '~> 1.0.1'
gem 'rack-mini-profiler', require: false
# Better errors handler
gem 'better_errors'
gem 'binding_of_caller'
gem 'rails_best_practices'
# Docs generator
gem "sdoc"
# thin instead webrick
gem 'thin'
group :development, :test do
gem 'coveralls', require: false
# gem 'rails-dev-tweaks'
gem 'spinach-rails'
gem "rspec-rails"
gem "capybara", '~> 2.2.1'
gem "pry"
gem "awesome_print"
gem "database_cleaner"
gem "launchy"
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
# Prevent occasions where minitest is not bundled in packaged versions of ruby (see #3826)
gem 'minitest', '~> 5.3.0'
# Generate Fake data
gem "ffaker"
# Guard
gem 'guard-rspec'
gem 'guard-spinach'
# Notification
gem 'rb-fsevent', require: darwin_only('rb-fsevent')
gem 'growl', require: darwin_only('growl')
gem 'rb-inotify', require: linux_only('rb-inotify')
# PhantomJS driver for Capybara
gem 'poltergeist', '~> 1.5.1'
gem 'jasmine', '2.0.2'
gem "spring", '1.1.3'
gem "spring-commands-rspec", '1.0.1'
gem "spring-commands-spinach", '1.0.0'
group :test do
gem "simplecov", require: false
gem "shoulda-matchers", "~> 2.1.0"
gem 'email_spec'
gem "webmock"
gem 'test_after_commit'
group :production do
gem "gitlab_meta", '7.0'
gem "newrelic_rpm"