Jason Lenny 37410a9ddf
Add Pages templates
Adds templates for the 5 most popular Pages templates to the new project
menu. This does not add unique icons for the templates because that
turned out more complicated than expected, and this feature is valuable
without them.
2019-02-07 17:05:33 +01:00

71 lines
4.2 KiB

- @hide_breadcrumbs = true
- @hide_top_links = true
- page_title 'New Project'
- header_title "Projects", dashboard_projects_path
- active_tab = local_assigns.fetch(:active_tab, 'blank')
= render 'projects/errors'
= _('New project')
- among_other_things_link = link_to _('among other things'), help_page_path("user/project/", anchor: "projects-features"), target: '_blank'
= _('A project is where you house your files (repository), plan your work (issues), and publish your documentation (wiki), %{among_other_things_link}.').html_safe % { among_other_things_link: among_other_things_link }
= _('All features are enabled for blank projects, from templates, or when importing, but you can disable them afterward in the project settings.')
- pages_getting_started_guide = link_to _('Pages getting started guide'), help_page_path("user/project/pages/getting_started_part_two", anchor: "fork-a-project-to-get-started-from"), target: '_blank'
= _('Information about additional Pages templates and how to install them can be found in our %{pages_getting_started_guide}.').html_safe % { pages_getting_started_guide: pages_getting_started_guide }
= brand_new_project_guidelines
%strong= _("Tip:")
= _("You can also create a project from the command line.")
%a.push-new-project-tip{ data: { title: _("Push to create a project") }, href: help_page_path('gitlab-basics/create-project', anchor: 'push-to-create-a-new-project'), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }
= _("Show command")
%template.push-new-project-tip-template= render partial: "new_project_push_tip"
%ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-links.gitlab-tabs{ role: 'tablist' }
%li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' }{ href: '#blank-project-pane', id: 'blank-project-tab', data: { toggle: 'tab', track_label: 'blank_project', track_event: "click_tab" }, role: 'tab' }
%span.d-none.d-sm-block Blank project
%span.d-block.d-sm-none Blank
%li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' }
%a.nav-link{ href: '#create-from-template-pane', id: 'create-from-template-tab', data: { toggle: 'tab', track_label: 'create_from_template', track_event: "click_tab" }, role: 'tab' } Create from template
%span.d-block.d-sm-none Template
%li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' }
%a.nav-link{ href: '#import-project-pane', id: 'import-project-tab', data: { toggle: 'tab', track_label: 'import_project', track_event: "click_tab" }, role: 'tab' }
%span.d-none.d-sm-block Import project
%span.d-block.d-sm-none Import
.tab-pane{ id: 'blank-project-pane', class: active_when(active_tab == 'blank'), role: 'tabpanel' }
= form_for @project, html: { class: 'new_project' } do |f|
= render 'new_project_fields', f: f, project_name_id: "blank-project-name"{ id: 'create-from-template-pane', class: active_when(active_tab == 'template'), role: 'tabpanel' }
= form_for @project, html: { class: 'new_project' } do |f|
= render 'project_templates', f: f, project: @project
.tab-pane.import-project-pane.js-toggle-container{ id: 'import-project-pane', class: active_when(active_tab == 'import'), role: 'tabpanel' }
- if import_sources_enabled?
= render 'import_project_pane', active_tab: active_tab
- else
%h4 No import options available
%p Contact an administrator to enable options for importing your project.
Creating project & repository.
%p Please wait a moment, this page will automatically refresh when ready.