Yorick Peterse c1e756c242
Fix update_column_in_batches to update all rows
This changes update_column_in_batches to ensure it always updates all
rows now. These changes also allow for an extra SELECT query to be
removed, nor does it use the row count for determining offsets and the
likes; instead it's only used to determine the batch size.
2016-06-17 17:50:38 +02:00

158 lines
5.8 KiB

module Gitlab
module Database
module MigrationHelpers
# Creates a new index, concurrently when supported
# On PostgreSQL this method creates an index concurrently, on MySQL this
# creates a regular index.
# Example:
# add_concurrent_index :users, :some_column
# See Rails' `add_index` for more info on the available arguments.
def add_concurrent_index(table_name, column_name, options = {})
if transaction_open?
raise 'add_concurrent_index can not be run inside a transaction, ' \
'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \
'in the body of your migration class'
if Database.postgresql?
options = options.merge({ algorithm: :concurrently })
add_index(table_name, column_name, options)
# Updates the value of a column in batches.
# This method updates the table in batches of 5% of the total row count.
# This method will continue updating rows until no rows remain.
# When given a block this method will yield two values to the block:
# 1. An instance of `Arel::Table` for the table that is being updated.
# 2. The query to run as an Arel object.
# By supplying a block one can add extra conditions to the queries being
# executed. Note that the same block is used for _all_ queries.
# Example:
# update_column_in_batches(:projects, :foo, 10) do |table, query|
# query.where(table[:some_column].eq('hello'))
# end
# This would result in this method updating only rows where
# `projects.some_column` equals "hello".
# table - The name of the table.
# column - The name of the column to update.
# value - The value for the column.
# Rubocop's Metrics/AbcSize metric is disabled for this method as Rubocop
# determines this method to be too complex while there's no way to make it
# less "complex" without introducing extra methods (which actually will
# make things _more_ complex).
# rubocop: disable Metrics/AbcSize
def update_column_in_batches(table, column, value)
table =
count_arel = table.project('count'))
count_arel = yield table, count_arel if block_given?
total = exec_query(count_arel.to_sql).to_hash.first['count'].to_i
return if total == 0
# Update in batches of 5% until we run out of any rows to update.
batch_size = ((total / 100.0) * 5.0).ceil
start_arel = table.project(table[:id]).order(table[:id].asc).take(1)
start_arel = yield table, start_arel if block_given?
start_id = exec_query(start_arel.to_sql).to_hash.first['id'].to_i
loop do
stop_arel = table.project(table[:id]).
stop_arel = yield table, stop_arel if block_given?
stop_row = exec_query(stop_arel.to_sql).to_hash.first
update_arel =
set([[table[column], value]]).
if stop_row
stop_id = stop_row['id'].to_i
start_id = stop_id
update_arel = update_arel.where(table[:id].lt(stop_id))
update_arel = yield table, update_arel if block_given?
# There are no more rows left to update.
break unless stop_row
# Adds a column with a default value without locking an entire table.
# This method runs the following steps:
# 1. Add the column with a default value of NULL.
# 2. Change the default value of the column to the specified value.
# 3. Update all existing rows in batches.
# 4. Set a `NOT NULL` constraint on the column if desired (the default).
# These steps ensure a column can be added to a large and commonly used
# table without locking the entire table for the duration of the table
# modification.
# table - The name of the table to update.
# column - The name of the column to add.
# type - The column type (e.g. `:integer`).
# default - The default value for the column.
# allow_null - When set to `true` the column will allow NULL values, the
# default is to not allow NULL values.
# This method can also take a block which is passed directly to the
# `update_column_in_batches` method.
def add_column_with_default(table, column, type, default:, allow_null: false, &block)
if transaction_open?
raise 'add_column_with_default can not be run inside a transaction, ' \
'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \
'in the body of your migration class'
transaction do
add_column(table, column, type, default: nil)
# Changing the default before the update ensures any newly inserted
# rows already use the proper default value.
change_column_default(table, column, default)
update_column_in_batches(table, column, default, &block)
change_column_null(table, column, false) unless allow_null
# We want to rescue _all_ exceptions here, even those that don't inherit
# from StandardError.
rescue Exception => error # rubocop: disable all
remove_column(table, column)
raise error