write_ was renamed to create_ modify_ was renamed to update_ So now in update action we have next code def create can?(current_user, :create_issue, @issue) end def update can?(current_user, :update_issue, @issue) end Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Zaporozhets <dmitriy.zaporozhets@gmail.com>
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44 lines
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- page_title @snippet.title, "Snippets"
= @snippet.title
- if @snippet.private?
= link_to new_snippet_path, class: "btn btn-new", title: "New Snippet" do
Add new snippet
= "##{@snippet.id}"
= link_to user_snippets_path(@snippet.author) do
= image_tag avatar_icon(@snippet.author_email), class: "avatar avatar-inline s16", alt: ''
= @snippet.author_name
- if @snippet.author == current_user
= link_to user_snippets_path(current_user) do
← your snippets
- else
= link_to snippets_path do
← discover snippets
= @snippet.file_name
- if can?(current_user, :update_personal_snippet, @snippet)
= link_to "edit", edit_snippet_path(@snippet), class: "btn btn-sm", title: 'Edit Snippet'
= link_to "raw", raw_snippet_path(@snippet), class: "btn btn-sm", target: "_blank"
- if can?(current_user, :admin_personal_snippet, @snippet)
= link_to "remove", snippet_path(@snippet), method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, class: "btn btn-sm btn-remove", title: 'Delete Snippet'
= render 'shared/snippets/blob'