Bob Van Landuyt 1123057ab7 Feature: delegate all open discussions to Issue
When a merge request can only be merged when all discussions are
resolved. This feature allows to easily delegate those discussions to a
new issue, while marking them as resolved in the merge request.

The user is presented with a new issue, prepared with mentions of all
unresolved discussions, including the first unresolved note of the
discussion, time and link to the note.

When the issue is created, the discussions in the merge request will get
a system note directing the user to the newly created issue.
2016-12-05 20:55:45 +01:00

493 lines
16 KiB

# SystemNoteService
# Used for creating system notes (e.g., when a user references a merge request
# from an issue, an issue's assignee changes, an issue is closed, etc.)
module SystemNoteService
extend self
# Called when commits are added to a Merge Request
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# new_commits - Array of Commits added since last push
# existing_commits - Array of Commits added in a previous push
# oldrev - Optional String SHA of a previous Commit
# See new_commit_summary and existing_commit_summary.
# Returns the created Note object
def add_commits(noteable, project, author, new_commits, existing_commits = [], oldrev = nil)
total_count = new_commits.length + existing_commits.length
commits_text = "#{total_count} commit".pluralize(total_count)
body = "added #{commits_text}\n\n"
body << existing_commit_summary(noteable, existing_commits, oldrev)
body << new_commit_summary(new_commits).join("\n")
body << "\n\n[Compare with previous version](#{diff_comparison_url(noteable, project, oldrev)})"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when the assignee of a Noteable is changed or removed
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# assignee - User being assigned, or nil
# Example Note text:
# "removed assignee"
# "assigned to @rspeicher"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_assignee(noteable, project, author, assignee)
body = assignee.nil? ? 'removed assignee' : "assigned to #{assignee.to_reference}"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when one or more labels on a Noteable are added and/or removed
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# added_labels - Array of Labels added
# removed_labels - Array of Labels removed
# Example Note text:
# "added ~1 and removed ~2 ~3 labels"
# "added ~4 label"
# "removed ~5 label"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_label(noteable, project, author, added_labels, removed_labels)
labels_count = added_labels.count + removed_labels.count
references = ->(label) { label.to_reference(format: :id) }
added_labels =' ')
removed_labels =' ')
body = ''
if added_labels.present?
body << "added #{added_labels}"
body << ' and ' if removed_labels.present?
if removed_labels.present?
body << "removed #{removed_labels}"
body << ' ' << 'label'.pluralize(labels_count)
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when the milestone of a Noteable is changed
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# milestone - Milestone being assigned, or nil
# Example Note text:
# "removed milestone"
# "changed milestone to 7.11"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_milestone(noteable, project, author, milestone)
body = milestone.nil? ? 'removed milestone' : "changed milestone to #{milestone.to_reference(project)}"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when the status of a Noteable is changed
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# status - String status
# source - Mentionable performing the change, or nil
# Example Note text:
# "merged"
# "closed via bc17db76"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_status(noteable, project, author, status, source)
body = status.dup
body << " via #{source.gfm_reference(project)}" if source
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when 'merge when pipeline succeeds' is executed
def merge_when_build_succeeds(noteable, project, author, last_commit)
body = "enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for #{last_commit.to_reference(project)} succeeds"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when 'merge when pipeline succeeds' is canceled
def cancel_merge_when_build_succeeds(noteable, project, author)
body = 'canceled the automatic merge'
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
def remove_merge_request_wip(noteable, project, author)
body = 'unmarked as a Work In Progress'
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
def add_merge_request_wip(noteable, project, author)
body = 'marked as a **Work In Progress**'
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
def self.resolve_all_discussions(merge_request, project, author)
body = "resolved all discussions"
create_note(noteable: merge_request, project: project, author: author, note: body)
def discussion_continued_in_issue(discussion, project, author, issue)
body = "Added #{issue.to_reference} to continue this discussion"
note_attributes = discussion.reply_attributes.merge(project: project, author: author, note: body)
note_attributes[:type] = note_attributes.delete(:note_type)
# Called when the title of a Noteable is changed
# noteable - Noteable object that responds to `title`
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# old_title - Previous String title
# Example Note text:
# "changed title from **Old** to **New**"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_title(noteable, project, author, old_title)
new_title = noteable.title.dup
old_diffs, new_diffs =, new_title).inline_diffs
marked_old_title =, mode: :deletion, markdown: true)
marked_new_title =, mode: :addition, markdown: true)
body = "changed title from **#{marked_old_title}** to **#{marked_new_title}**"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when the confidentiality changes
# issue - Issue object
# project - Project owning the issue
# author - User performing the change
# Example Note text:
# "made the issue confidential"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_issue_confidentiality(issue, project, author)
body = issue.confidential ? 'made the issue confidential' : 'made the issue visible to everyone'
create_note(noteable: issue, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when a branch in Noteable is changed
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# branch_type - 'source' or 'target'
# old_branch - old branch name
# new_branch - new branch nmae
# Example Note text:
# "changed target branch from `Old` to `New`"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_branch(noteable, project, author, branch_type, old_branch, new_branch)
body = "changed #{branch_type} branch from `#{old_branch}` to `#{new_branch}`"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when a branch in Noteable is added or deleted
# noteable - Noteable object
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# branch_type - :source or :target
# branch - branch name
# presence - :add or :delete
# Example Note text:
# "restored target branch `feature`"
# Returns the created Note object
def change_branch_presence(noteable, project, author, branch_type, branch, presence)
verb =
if presence == :add
body = "#{verb} #{branch_type} branch `#{branch}`"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when a branch is created from the 'new branch' button on a issue
# Example note text:
# "created branch `201-issue-branch-button`"
def new_issue_branch(issue, project, author, branch)
link = url_helpers.namespace_project_compare_url(project.namespace, project, from: project.default_branch, to: branch)
body = "created branch [`#{branch}`](#{link})"
create_note(noteable: issue, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when a Mentionable references a Noteable
# noteable - Noteable object being referenced
# mentioner - Mentionable object
# author - User performing the reference
# Example Note text:
# "mentioned in #1"
# "mentioned in !2"
# "mentioned in 54f7727c"
# See cross_reference_note_content.
# Returns the created Note object
def cross_reference(noteable, mentioner, author)
return if cross_reference_disallowed?(noteable, mentioner)
gfm_reference = mentioner.gfm_reference(noteable.project)
note_options = {
project: noteable.project,
author: author,
note: cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference)
if noteable.kind_of?(Commit)
note_options.merge!(noteable_type: 'Commit', commit_id:
note_options.merge!(noteable: noteable)
if noteable.is_a?(ExternalIssue)
noteable.project.issues_tracker.create_cross_reference_note(noteable, mentioner, author)
def cross_reference?(note_text)
note_text =~ /\A#{cross_reference_note_prefix}/i
# Check if a cross-reference is disallowed
# This method prevents adding a "mentioned in !1" note on every single commit
# in a merge request. Additionally, it prevents the creation of references to
# external issues (which would fail).
# noteable - Noteable object being referenced
# mentioner - Mentionable object
# Returns Boolean
def cross_reference_disallowed?(noteable, mentioner)
return true if noteable.is_a?(ExternalIssue) && !noteable.project.jira_tracker_active?
return false unless mentioner.is_a?(MergeRequest)
return false unless noteable.is_a?(Commit)
# Check if a cross reference to a noteable from a mentioner already exists
# This method is used to prevent multiple notes being created for a mention
# when a issue is updated, for example. The method also calls notes_for_mentioner
# to check if the mentioner is a commit, and return matches only on commit hash
# instead of project + commit, to avoid repeated mentions from forks.
# noteable - Noteable object being referenced
# mentioner - Mentionable object
# Returns Boolean
def cross_reference_exists?(noteable, mentioner)
# Initial scope should be system notes of this noteable type
notes = Note.system.where(noteable_type: noteable.class)
if noteable.is_a?(Commit)
# Commits have non-integer IDs, so they're stored in `commit_id`
notes = notes.where(commit_id:
notes = notes.where(noteable_id:
notes_for_mentioner(mentioner, noteable, notes).exists?
# Build an Array of lines detailing each commit added in a merge request
# new_commits - Array of new Commit objects
# Returns an Array of Strings
def new_commit_summary(new_commits)
new_commits.collect do |commit|
"* #{commit.short_id} - #{escape_html(commit.title)}"
# Called when the status of a Task has changed
# noteable - Noteable object.
# project - Project owning noteable
# author - User performing the change
# new_task - TaskList::Item object.
# Example Note text:
# "marked the task Whatever as completed."
# Returns the created Note object
def change_task_status(noteable, project, author, new_task)
status_label = new_task.complete? ? Taskable::COMPLETED : Taskable::INCOMPLETE
body = "marked the task **#{new_task.source}** as #{status_label}"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
# Called when noteable has been moved to another project
# direction - symbol, :to or :from
# noteable - Noteable object
# noteable_ref - Referenced noteable
# author - User performing the move
# Example Note text:
# "moved to some_namespace/project_new#11"
# Returns the created Note object
def noteable_moved(noteable, project, noteable_ref, author, direction:)
unless [:to, :from].include?(direction)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid direction `#{direction}`"
cross_reference = noteable_ref.to_reference(project)
body = "moved #{direction} #{cross_reference}"
create_note(noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body)
def notes_for_mentioner(mentioner, noteable, notes)
if mentioner.is_a?(Commit)
text = "#{cross_reference_note_prefix}%#{mentioner.to_reference(nil)}"
notes.where('(note LIKE ? OR note LIKE ?)', text, text.capitalize)
gfm_reference = mentioner.gfm_reference(noteable.project)
text = cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference)
notes.where(note: [text, text.capitalize])
def create_note(args = {})
Note.create(args.merge(system: true))
def cross_reference_note_prefix
'mentioned in '
def cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference)
# Build a single line summarizing existing commits being added in a merge
# request
# noteable - MergeRequest object
# existing_commits - Array of existing Commit objects
# oldrev - Optional String SHA of a previous Commit
# Examples:
# "* ea0f8418...2f4426b7 - 24 commits from branch `master`"
# "* ea0f8418..4188f0ea - 15 commits from branch `fork:master`"
# "* ea0f8418 - 1 commit from branch `feature`"
# Returns a newline-terminated String
def existing_commit_summary(noteable, existing_commits, oldrev = nil)
return '' if existing_commits.empty?
count = existing_commits.size
commit_ids = if count == 1
if oldrev && !Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(oldrev)
commits_text = "#{count} commit".pluralize(count)
branch = noteable.target_branch
branch = "#{noteable.target_project_namespace}:#{branch}" if noteable.for_fork?
"* #{commit_ids} - #{commits_text} from branch `#{branch}`\n"
def escape_html(text)
def url_helpers
@url_helpers ||= Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers
def diff_comparison_url(merge_request, project, oldrev)
diff_id =
diff_id: diff_id,
start_sha: oldrev