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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class ReleaseAssetLinkType < BaseObject
graphql_name 'ReleaseAssetLink'
description 'Represents an asset link associated with a release'
authorize :read_release
present_using Releases::LinkPresenter
field :external, GraphQL::Types::Boolean, null: true, method: :external?,
description: 'Indicates the link points to an external resource.'
field :id, GraphQL::Types::ID, null: false,
description: 'ID of the link.'
field :link_type, Types::ReleaseAssetLinkTypeEnum, null: true,
description: 'Type of the link: `other`, `runbook`, `image`, `package`; defaults to `other`.'
field :name, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Name of the link.'
field :url, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'URL of the link.'
field :direct_asset_path, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, method: :filepath,
description: 'Relative path for the direct asset link.'
field :direct_asset_url, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Direct asset URL of the link.'