Brett Walker aa7b1cfc5b Upgrade GraphQL gem to 1.8.17
- Due to,
we  changed BatchLoader.for into BatchLoader::GraphQL.for
- since our results are wrapped in a BatchLoader::GraphQL,
calling `sync` during authorization is required to get real object
- `graphql` now has it's own authorization system.  Our
`authorized?` method conflicted and required renaming
2019-09-04 17:42:48 +00:00

66 lines
2.4 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module Resolvers
class IssuesResolver < BaseResolver
argument :iid, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'The IID of the issue, e.g., "1"'
argument :iids, [GraphQL::STRING_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'The list of IIDs of issues, e.g., [1, 2]'
argument :state, Types::IssuableStateEnum,
required: false,
description: "Current state of Issue"
argument :label_name, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE.to_list_type,
required: false,
description: "Labels applied to the Issue"
argument :created_before, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues created before this date"
argument :created_after, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues created after this date"
argument :updated_before, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues updated before this date"
argument :updated_after, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues updated after this date"
argument :closed_before, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues closed before this date"
argument :closed_after, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: "Issues closed after this date"
argument :search, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false
argument :sort, Types::Sort,
required: false,
default_value: 'created_desc'
type Types::IssueType, null: true
def resolve(**args)
# The project could have been loaded in batch by `BatchLoader`.
# At this point we need the `id` of the project to query for issues, so
# make sure it's loaded and not `nil` before continuing.
project = object.respond_to?(:sync) ? object.sync : object
return Issue.none if project.nil?
# Will need to be be made group & namespace aware with
args[:project_id] =
args[:iids] ||= [args[:iid]].compact[:current_user], args).execute
def self.resolver_complexity(args, child_complexity:)
complexity = super
complexity += 2 if args[:labelName]