694 lines
21 KiB
694 lines
21 KiB
#= require autosave
#= require autosize
#= require dropzone
#= require dropzone_input
#= require gfm_auto_complete
#= require jquery.atwho
#= require task_list
class @Notes
@interval: null
constructor: (notes_url, note_ids, last_fetched_at, view) ->
@notes_url = notes_url
@note_ids = note_ids
@last_fetched_at = last_fetched_at
@view = view
@noteable_url = document.URL
@notesCountBadge ||= $(".issuable-details").find(".notes-tab .badge")
@basePollingInterval = 15000
@maxPollingSteps = 4
addBinding: ->
# add note to UI after creation
$(document).on "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form", @addNote
$(document).on "ajax:success", ".js-discussion-note-form", @addDiscussionNote
# catch note ajax errors
$(document).on "ajax:error", ".js-main-target-form", @addNoteError
# change note in UI after update
$(document).on "ajax:success", "form.edit-note", @updateNote
# Edit note link
$(document).on "click", ".js-note-edit", @showEditForm
$(document).on "click", ".note-edit-cancel", @cancelEdit
# Reopen and close actions for Issue/MR combined with note form submit
$(document).on "click", ".js-comment-button", @updateCloseButton
$(document).on "keyup input", ".js-note-text", @updateTargetButtons
# remove a note (in general)
$(document).on "click", ".js-note-delete", @removeNote
# delete note attachment
$(document).on "click", ".js-note-attachment-delete", @removeAttachment
# reset main target form after submit
$(document).on "ajax:complete", ".js-main-target-form", @reenableTargetFormSubmitButton
$(document).on "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form", @resetMainTargetForm
# reset main target form when clicking discard
$(document).on "click", ".js-note-discard", @resetMainTargetForm
# update the file name when an attachment is selected
$(document).on "change", ".js-note-attachment-input", @updateFormAttachment
# reply to diff/discussion notes
$(document).on "click", ".js-discussion-reply-button", @replyToDiscussionNote
# add diff note
$(document).on "click", ".js-add-diff-note-button", @addDiffNote
# hide diff note form
$(document).on "click", ".js-close-discussion-note-form", @cancelDiscussionForm
# fetch notes when tab becomes visible
$(document).on "visibilitychange", @visibilityChange
# when issue status changes, we need to refresh data
$(document).on "issuable:change", @refresh
# when a key is clicked on the notes
$(document).on "keydown", ".js-note-text", @keydownNoteText
cleanBinding: ->
$(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form"
$(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-discussion-note-form"
$(document).off "ajax:success", "form.edit-note"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-edit"
$(document).off "click", ".note-edit-cancel"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-delete"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-attachment-delete"
$(document).off "ajax:complete", ".js-main-target-form"
$(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form"
$(document).off "click", ".js-discussion-reply-button"
$(document).off "click", ".js-add-diff-note-button"
$(document).off "visibilitychange"
$(document).off "keyup", ".js-note-text"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-reopen"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-close"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-discard"
$(document).off "keydown", ".js-note-text"
$('.note .js-task-list-container').taskList('disable')
$(document).off 'tasklist:changed', '.note .js-task-list-container'
keydownNoteText: (e) =>
return if isMetaKey e
$textarea = $(e.target)
# Edit previous note when UP arrow is hit
switch e.which
when 38
return unless $textarea.val() is ''
myLastNote = $("li.note[data-author-id='#{gon.current_user_id}'][data-editable]:last")
if myLastNote.length
myLastNoteEditBtn = myLastNote.find('.js-note-edit')
myLastNoteEditBtn.trigger('click', [true, myLastNote])
# Cancel creating diff note or editing any note when ESCAPE is hit
when 27
discussionNoteForm = $textarea.closest('.js-discussion-note-form')
if discussionNoteForm.length
if $textarea.val() isnt ''
return unless confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel creating this comment?')
editNote = $textarea.closest('.note')
if editNote.length
originalText = $textarea.closest('form').data('original-note')
newText = $textarea.val()
if originalText isnt newText
return unless confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel editing this comment?')
isMetaKey = (e) ->
(e.metaKey or e.ctrlKey or e.altKey or e.shiftKey)
initRefresh: ->
Notes.interval = setInterval =>
, @pollingInterval
refresh: =>
if not document.hidden and document.URL.indexOf(@noteable_url) is 0
getContent: ->
return if @refreshing
@refreshing = true
url: @notes_url
data: "last_fetched_at=" + @last_fetched_at
dataType: "json"
success: (data) =>
notes = data.notes
@last_fetched_at = data.last_fetched_at
$.each notes, (i, note) =>
if note.discussion_with_diff_html?
.always () =>
@refreshing = false
Increase @pollingInterval up to 120 seconds on every function call,
if `shouldReset` has a truthy value, 'null' or 'undefined' the variable
will reset to @basePollingInterval.
Note: this function is used to gradually increase the polling interval
if there aren't new notes coming from the server
setPollingInterval: (shouldReset = true) ->
nthInterval = @basePollingInterval * Math.pow(2, @maxPollingSteps - 1)
if shouldReset
@pollingInterval = @basePollingInterval
else if @pollingInterval < nthInterval
@pollingInterval *= 2
Render note in main comments area.
Note: for rendering inline notes use renderDiscussionNote
renderNote: (note) ->
unless note.valid
if note.award
flash = new Flash('You have already awarded this emoji!', 'alert')
if note.award
votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
gl.awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar votesBlock, note.name
# render note if it not present in loaded list
# or skip if rendered
else if @isNewNote(note)
$notesList = $('ul.main-notes-list')
# Update datetime format on the recent note
gl.utils.localTimeAgo($notesList.find("#note_#{note.id} .js-timeago"), false)
Check if note does not exists on page
isNewNote: (note) ->
$.inArray(note.id, @note_ids) == -1
isParallelView: ->
@view == 'parallel'
Render note in discussion area.
Note: for rendering inline notes use renderDiscussionNote
renderDiscussionNote: (note) ->
return unless @isNewNote(note)
form = $("#new-discussion-note-form-#{note.discussion_id}")
if note.original_discussion_id? and form.length is 0
form = $("#new-discussion-note-form-#{note.original_discussion_id}")
row = form.closest("tr")
note_html = $(note.html)
# is this the first note of discussion?
discussionContainer = $(".notes[data-discussion-id='" + note.discussion_id + "']")
if note.original_discussion_id? and discussionContainer.length is 0
discussionContainer = $(".notes[data-discussion-id='" + note.original_discussion_id + "']")
if discussionContainer.length is 0
# insert the note and the reply button after the temp row
row.after note.discussion_html
# remove the note (will be added again below)
# Before that, the container didn't exist
discussionContainer = $(".notes[data-discussion-id='" + note.discussion_id + "']")
# Add note to 'Changes' page discussions
discussionContainer.append note_html
# Init discussion on 'Discussion' page if it is merge request page
if $('body').attr('data-page').indexOf('projects:merge_request') is 0
# append new note to all matching discussions
discussionContainer.append note_html
gl.utils.localTimeAgo($('.js-timeago', note_html), false)
Called in response the main target form has been successfully submitted.
Removes any errors.
Resets text and preview.
Resets buttons.
resetMainTargetForm: (e) =>
form = $(".js-main-target-form")
# remove validation errors
# reset text and preview
form.find(".js-note-text").val("").trigger "input"
reenableTargetFormSubmitButton: ->
form = $(".js-main-target-form")
form.find(".js-note-text").trigger "input"
Shows the main form and does some setup on it.
Sets some hidden fields in the form.
setupMainTargetNoteForm: ->
# find the form
form = $(".js-new-note-form")
# Set a global clone of the form for later cloning
@formClone = form.clone()
# show the form
# fix classes
form.removeClass "js-new-note-form"
form.addClass "js-main-target-form"
General note form setup.
deactivates the submit button when text is empty
hides the preview button when text is empty
setup GFM auto complete
show the form
setupNoteForm: (form) ->
new GLForm form
textarea = form.find(".js-note-text")
new Autosave textarea, [
Called in response to the new note form being submitted
Adds new note to list.
addNote: (xhr, note, status) =>
addNoteError: (xhr, note, status) =>
flash = new Flash('Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.', 'alert')
Called in response to the new note form being submitted
Adds new note to list.
addDiscussionNote: (xhr, note, status) =>
# cleanup after successfully creating a diff/discussion note
Called in response to the edit note form being submitted
Updates the current note field.
updateNote: (_xhr, note, _status) =>
# Convert returned HTML to a jQuery object so we can modify it further
$html = $(note.html)
gl.utils.localTimeAgo($('.js-timeago', $html))
# Find the note's `li` element by ID and replace it with the updated HTML
$note_li = $('.note-row-' + note.id)
Called in response to clicking the edit note link
Replaces the note text with the note edit form
Adds a data attribute to the form with the original content of the note for cancellations
showEditForm: (e, scrollTo, myLastNote) ->
note = $(this).closest(".note")
note.addClass "is-editting"
form = note.find(".note-edit-form")
# Show the attachment delete link
done = ($noteText) ->
# Neat little trick to put the cursor at the end
noteTextVal = $noteText.val()
# Store the original note text in a data attribute to retrieve if a user cancels edit.
form.find('form.edit-note').data 'original-note', noteTextVal
new GLForm form
if scrollTo? and myLastNote?
# scroll to the bottom
# so the open of the last element doesn't make a jump
$('html, body').scrollTop($(document).height());
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: myLastNote.offset().top - 150
}, 500, ->
$noteText = form.find(".js-note-text")
$noteText = form.find('.js-note-text')
Called in response to clicking the edit note link
Hides edit form and restores the original note text to the editor textarea.
cancelEdit: (e) =>
note = $(e.target).closest('.note')
removeNoteEditForm: (note) ->
form = note.find(".current-note-edit-form")
note.removeClass "is-editting"
# Replace markdown textarea text with original note text.
Called in response to deleting a note of any kind.
Removes the actual note from view.
Removes the whole discussion if the last note is being removed.
removeNote: (e) =>
noteId = $(e.currentTarget)
# A same note appears in the "Discussion" and in the "Changes" tab, we have
# to remove all. Using $(".note[id='noteId']") ensure we get all the notes,
# where $("#noteId") would return only one.
$(".note[id='#{noteId}']").each (i, el) =>
note = $(el)
notes = note.closest(".notes")
# check if this is the last note for this line
if notes.find(".note").length is 1
# "Discussions" tab
# "Changes" tab / commit view
# Decrement the "Discussions" counter only once
Called in response to clicking the delete attachment link
Removes the attachment wrapper view, including image tag if it exists
Resets the note editing form
removeAttachment: ->
note = $(this).closest(".note")
note.find(".note-body > .note-text").show()
Called when clicking on the "reply" button for a diff line.
Shows the note form below the notes.
replyToDiscussionNote: (e) =>
form = @formClone.clone()
replyLink = $(e.target).closest(".js-discussion-reply-button")
# insert the form after the button
replyLink.after form
# show the form
@setupDiscussionNoteForm(replyLink, form)
Shows the diff or discussion form and does some setup on it.
Sets some hidden fields in the form.
Note: dataHolder must have the "discussionId", "lineCode", "noteableType"
and "noteableId" data attributes set.
setupDiscussionNoteForm: (dataHolder, form) =>
# setup note target
form.attr 'id', "new-discussion-note-form-#{dataHolder.data("discussionId")}"
form.attr "data-line-code", dataHolder.data("lineCode")
form.find("#note_type").val dataHolder.data("noteType")
form.find("#line_type").val dataHolder.data("lineType")
form.find("#note_commit_id").val dataHolder.data("commitId")
form.find("#note_line_code").val dataHolder.data("lineCode")
form.find("#note_position").val dataHolder.attr("data-position")
form.find("#note_noteable_type").val dataHolder.data("noteableType")
form.find("#note_noteable_id").val dataHolder.data("noteableId")
@setupNoteForm form
.addClass("discussion-form js-discussion-note-form")
Called when clicking on the "add a comment" button on the side of a diff line.
Inserts a temporary row for the form below the line.
Sets up the form and shows it.
addDiffNote: (e) =>
$link = $(e.currentTarget)
row = $link.closest("tr")
nextRow = row.next()
hasNotes = nextRow.is(".notes_holder")
addForm = false
targetContent = ".notes_content"
rowCssToAdd = "<tr class=\"notes_holder js-temp-notes-holder\"><td class=\"notes_line\" colspan=\"2\"></td><td class=\"notes_content\"></td></tr>"
# In parallel view, look inside the correct left/right pane
if @isParallelView()
lineType = $link.data("lineType")
targetContent += "." + lineType
rowCssToAdd = "<tr class=\"notes_holder js-temp-notes-holder\"><td class=\"notes_line\"></td><td class=\"notes_content parallel old\"></td><td class=\"notes_line\"></td><td class=\"notes_content parallel new\"></td></tr>"
if hasNotes
notesContent = nextRow.find(targetContent)
if notesContent.length
replyButton = notesContent.find(".js-discussion-reply-button:visible")
if replyButton.length
e.target = replyButton[0]
$.proxy(@replyToDiscussionNote, replyButton[0], e).call()
# In parallel view, the form may not be present in one of the panes
noteForm = notesContent.find(".js-discussion-note-form")
if noteForm.length == 0
addForm = true
# add a notes row and insert the form
row.after rowCssToAdd
addForm = true
if addForm
newForm = @formClone.clone()
newForm.appendTo row.next().find(targetContent)
# show the form
@setupDiscussionNoteForm $link, newForm
Called in response to "cancel" on a diff note form.
Shows the reply button again.
Removes the form and if necessary it's temporary row.
removeDiscussionNoteForm: (form)->
row = form.closest("tr")
glForm = form.data 'gl-form'
# show the reply button (will only work for replies)
if row.is(".js-temp-notes-holder")
# remove temporary row for diff lines
# only remove the form
cancelDiscussionForm: (e) =>
form = $(e.target).closest(".js-discussion-note-form")
Called after an attachment file has been selected.
Updates the file name for the selected attachment.
updateFormAttachment: ->
form = $(this).closest("form")
# get only the basename
filename = $(this).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "")
form.find(".js-attachment-filename").text filename
Called when the tab visibility changes
visibilityChange: =>
updateCloseButton: (e) =>
textarea = $(e.target)
form = textarea.parents('form')
closebtn = form.find('.js-note-target-close')
updateTargetButtons: (e) =>
textarea = $(e.target)
form = textarea.parents('form')
reopenbtn = form.find('.js-note-target-reopen')
closebtn = form.find('.js-note-target-close')
discardbtn = form.find('.js-note-discard')
if textarea.val().trim().length > 0
reopentext = reopenbtn.data('alternative-text')
closetext = closebtn.data('alternative-text')
if reopenbtn.text() isnt reopentext
if closebtn.text() isnt closetext
if reopenbtn.is(':not(.btn-comment-and-reopen)')
if closebtn.is(':not(.btn-comment-and-close)')
if discardbtn.is(':hidden')
reopentext = reopenbtn.data('original-text')
closetext = closebtn.data('original-text')
if reopenbtn.text() isnt reopentext
if closebtn.text() isnt closetext
if reopenbtn.is('.btn-comment-and-reopen')
if closebtn.is('.btn-comment-and-close')
if discardbtn.is(':visible')
initTaskList: ->
$(document).on 'tasklist:changed', '.note .js-task-list-container', @updateTaskList
enableTaskList: ->
$('.note .js-task-list-container').taskList('enable')
updateTaskList: ->
$('form', this).submit()
updateNotesCount: (updateCount) ->
@notesCountBadge.text(parseInt(@notesCountBadge.text()) + updateCount)