2016-03-02 12:30:01 -05:00

142 lines
3.9 KiB

# UserTabs
# Handles persisting and restoring the current tab selection and lazily-loading
# content on the Users#show page.
# ### Example Markup
# <ul class="nav-links">
# <li class="activity-tab active">
# <a data-action="activity" data-target="#activity" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username">
# Activity
# </a>
# </li>
# <li class="groups-tab">
# <a data-action="groups" data-target="#groups" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/groups">
# Groups
# </a>
# </li>
# <li class="contributed-tab">
# <a data-action="contributed" data-target="#contributed" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/contributed">
# Contributed projects
# </a>
# </li>
# <li class="projects-tab">
# <a data-action="projects" data-target="#projects" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/projects">
# Personal projects
# </a>
# </li>
# </ul>
# <div class="tab-content">
# <div class="tab-pane" id="activity">
# Activity Content
# </div>
# <div class="tab-pane" id="groups">
# Groups Content
# </div>
# <div class="tab-pane" id="contributed">
# Contributed projects content
# </div>
# <div class="tab-pane" id="projects">
# Projects content
# </div>
# </div>
# <div class="loading-status">
# <div class="loading">
# Loading Animation
# </div>
# </div>
class @UserTabs
actions: ['activity', 'groups', 'contributed', 'projects'],
defaultAction: 'activity',
constructor: (@opts = {}) ->
# Store the `location` object, allowing for easier stubbing in tests
@_location = location
@loaded = {}
action = @opts.action
action = @defaultAction if action == 'show'
# Set active tab
source = $(".#{action}-tab a").attr('href')
bindEvents: ->
# Turn off existing event listeners
$(document).off '', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]'
# Set event listeners
$(document).on '', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]', @tabShown
tabStateInit: ->
for action in @actions
@loaded[action] = false
tabShown: (event) =>
$target = $(
action = $'action')
source = $target.attr('href')
@setTab(source, action)
activateTab: (action) ->
$(".nav-links .#{action}-tab a").tab('show')
setTab: (source, action) ->
return if @loaded[action] is true
if action is 'activity'
if action in ['groups', 'contributed', 'projects']
@loadTab(source, action)
loadTab: (source, action) ->
beforeSend: => @toggleLoading(true)
complete: => @toggleLoading(false)
dataType: 'json'
type: 'GET'
url: "#{source}.json"
success: (data) =>
tabSelector = 'div#' + action
document.querySelector(tabSelector).innerHTML = data.html
@loaded[action] = true
loadActivities: (source) ->
return if @loaded['activity'] is true
$calendarWrap = $('.user-calendar')
new Activities()
@loaded['activity'] = true
toggleLoading: (status) ->
$('.loading-status .loading').toggle(status)
setCurrentAction: (action) ->
# Remove possible actions from URL
regExp = new RegExp('\/(' + @actions.join('|') + ')(\.html)?\/?$')
new_state = @_location.pathname
new_state = new_state.replace(/\/+$/, "") # remove trailing slashes
new_state = new_state.replace(regExp, '')
# Append the new action if we're on a tab other than 'activity'
unless action == @defaultAction
new_state += "/#{action}"
# Ensure parameters and hash come along for the ride
new_state += + @_location.hash
history.replaceState {turbolinks: true, url: new_state}, document.title, new_state