
121 lines
3.8 KiB

(() => {
class DropdownUtils {
static getEscapedText(text) {
let escapedText = text;
const hasSpace = text.indexOf(' ') !== -1;
const hasDoubleQuote = text.indexOf('"') !== -1;
// Encapsulate value with quotes if it has spaces
// Known side effect: values's with both single and double quotes
// won't escape properly
if (hasSpace) {
if (hasDoubleQuote) {
escapedText = `'${text}'`;
} else {
// Encapsulate singleQuotes or if it hasSpace
escapedText = `"${text}"`;
return escapedText;
static filterWithSymbol(filterSymbol, input, item) {
const updatedItem = item;
const query = gl.DropdownUtils.getSearchInput(input);
const { lastToken, searchToken } = gl.FilteredSearchTokenizer.processTokens(query);
if (lastToken !== searchToken) {
const title = updatedItem.title.toLowerCase();
let value = lastToken.value.toLowerCase();
value = value.replace(/"(.*?)"/g, str => str.slice(1).slice(0, -1));
// Eg. filterSymbol = ~ for labels
const matchWithoutSymbol = lastToken.symbol === filterSymbol && title.indexOf(value) !== -1;
const match = title.indexOf(`${lastToken.symbol}${value}`) !== -1;
updatedItem.droplab_hidden = !match && !matchWithoutSymbol;
} else {
updatedItem.droplab_hidden = false;
return updatedItem;
static filterHint(input, item) {
const updatedItem = item;
const query = gl.DropdownUtils.getSearchInput(input);
let { lastToken } = gl.FilteredSearchTokenizer.processTokens(query);
lastToken = lastToken.key || lastToken || '';
if (!lastToken || query.split('').last() === ' ') {
updatedItem.droplab_hidden = false;
} else if (lastToken) {
const split = lastToken.split(':');
const tokenName = split[0].split(' ').last();
const match = updatedItem.hint.indexOf(tokenName.toLowerCase()) === -1;
updatedItem.droplab_hidden = tokenName ? match : false;
return updatedItem;
static setDataValueIfSelected(filter, selected) {
const dataValue = selected.getAttribute('data-value');
if (dataValue) {
gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager.addWordToInput(filter, dataValue);
// Return boolean based on whether it was set
return dataValue !== null;
static getSearchInput(filteredSearchInput) {
const inputValue = filteredSearchInput.value;
const { right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition(filteredSearchInput);
return inputValue.slice(0, right);
static getInputSelectionPosition(input) {
const selectionStart = input.selectionStart;
let inputValue = input.value;
// Replace all spaces inside quote marks with underscores
// This helps with matching the beginning & end of a token:key
inputValue = inputValue.replace(/"(.*?)"/g, str => str.replace(/\s/g, '_'));
// Get the right position for the word selected
// Regex matches first space
let right = inputValue.slice(selectionStart).search(/\s/);
if (right >= 0) {
right += selectionStart;
} else if (right < 0) {
right = inputValue.length;
// Get the left position for the word selected
// Regex matches last non-whitespace character
let left = inputValue.slice(0, right).search(/\S+$/);
if (selectionStart === 0) {
left = 0;
} else if (selectionStart === inputValue.length && left < 0) {
left = inputValue.length;
} else if (left < 0) {
left = selectionStart;
return {
} = || {};
gl.DropdownUtils = DropdownUtils;