When clicking the pill in the search field, it now focus the field. Previously you would have to make sure you click in the field. Fixed an issue where clicking out of the field wouldn't remove the focus outline Also reduced some of the HTML to remove what isn't needed
43 lines
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43 lines
1.9 KiB
- if controller.controller_path =~ /^groups/ && @group.persisted?
- label = 'This group'
- if controller.controller_path =~ /^projects/ && @project.persisted?
- label = 'This project'
.search.search-form{class: "#{'has-location-badge' if label.present?}"}
= form_tag search_path, method: :get, class: 'navbar-form' do |f|
- if label.present?
.location-badge= label
.dropdown{ data: {url: search_autocomplete_path } }
= search_field_tag "search", nil, placeholder: 'Search', class: "search-input dropdown-menu-toggle", spellcheck: false, tabindex: "1", autocomplete: 'off', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' }
= dropdown_content do
= dropdown_loading
= hidden_field_tag :group_id, @group.try(:id)
= hidden_field_tag :project_id, @project && @project.persisted? ? @project.id : '', id: 'search_project_id'
- if @project && @project.persisted?
- if current_controller?(:issues)
= hidden_field_tag :scope, 'issues'
- elsif current_controller?(:merge_requests)
= hidden_field_tag :scope, 'merge_requests'
- elsif current_controller?(:wikis)
= hidden_field_tag :scope, 'wiki_blobs'
- elsif current_controller?(:commits)
= hidden_field_tag :scope, 'commits'
- else
= hidden_field_tag :search_code, true
- if @snippet || @snippets
= hidden_field_tag :snippets, true
= hidden_field_tag :repository_ref, @ref
= button_tag 'Go' if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test'
.search-autocomplete-opts.hide{:'data-autocomplete-path' => search_autocomplete_path, :'data-autocomplete-project-id' => @project.try(:id), :'data-autocomplete-project-ref' => @ref }