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Feature: Project Issues Filter Labels
Given I sign in as a user
And I own project "Shop"
And project "Shop" has labels: "bug", "feature", "enhancement"
And project "Shop" has issue "Bugfix1" with labels: "bug", "feature"
And project "Shop" has issue "Bugfix2" with labels: "bug", "enhancement"
And project "Shop" has issue "Feature1" with labels: "feature"
Given I visit project "Shop" issues page
Scenario: I filter by one label
Given I click link "bug"
And I click "dropdown close button"
Then I should see "Bugfix1" in issues list
And I should see "Bugfix2" in issues list
And I should not see "Feature1" in issues list
# TODO: make labels filter works according to this scanario
# right now it looks for label 1 OR label 2. Old behaviour (this test) was
# all issues that have both label 1 AND label 2
#Scenario: I filter by two labels
#Given I click link "bug"
#And I click link "feature"
#Then I should see "Bugfix1" in issues list
#And I should not see "Bugfix2" in issues list
#And I should not see "Feature1" in issues list