
132 lines
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import { merge } from 'lodash';
import { s__ } from '~/locale';
* Validation messages will take priority based on the property order.
* For example:
* { valueMissing: {...}, urlTypeMismatch: {...} }
* `valueMissing` will be displayed the user has entered a value
* after that, if the input is not a valid URL then `urlTypeMismatch` will show
const defaultFeedbackMap = {
valueMissing: {
isInvalid: el => el.validity?.valueMissing,
message: s__('Please fill out this field.'),
urlTypeMismatch: {
isInvalid: el => el.type === 'url' && el.validity?.typeMismatch,
message: s__('Please enter a valid URL format, ex:'),
const getFeedbackForElement = (feedbackMap, el) =>
Object.values(feedbackMap).find(f => f.isInvalid(el))?.message || el.validationMessage;
const focusFirstInvalidInput = e => {
const { target: formEl } = e;
const invalidInput = formEl.querySelector('input:invalid');
if (invalidInput) {
const isEveryFieldValid = form => Object.values(form.fields).every(({ state }) => state === true);
const createValidator = (context, feedbackMap) => ({ el, reportInvalidInput = false }) => {
const { form } = context;
const { name } = el;
if (!name) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
'[gitlab] the validation directive requires the given input to have "name" attribute',
const formField = form.fields[name];
const isValid = el.checkValidity();
// This makes sure we always report valid fields - this can be useful for cases where the consuming
// component's logic depends on certain fields being in a valid state.
// Invalid input, on the other hand, should only be reported once we want to display feedback to the user.
// (eg.: After a field has been touched and moved away from, a submit-button has been clicked, ...)
formField.state = reportInvalidInput ? isValid : isValid || null; = reportInvalidInput ? getFeedbackForElement(feedbackMap, el) : '';
form.state = isEveryFieldValid(form);
* Takes an object that allows to add or change custom feedback messages.
* The passed in object will be merged with the built-in feedback
* so it is possible to override a built-in message.
* @example
* validate({
* tooLong: {
* check: el => el.validity.tooLong === true,
* message: 'Your custom feedback'
* }
* })
* @example
* validate({
* valueMissing: {
* message: 'Your custom feedback'
* }
* })
* @param {Object<string, { message: string, isValid: ?function}>} customFeedbackMap
* @returns {{ inserted: function, update: function }} validateDirective
export default function(customFeedbackMap = {}) {
const feedbackMap = merge(defaultFeedbackMap, customFeedbackMap);
const elDataMap = new WeakMap();
return {
inserted(el, binding, { context }) {
const { arg: showGlobalValidation } = binding;
const { form: formEl } = el;
const validate = createValidator(context, feedbackMap);
const elData = { validate, isTouched: false, isBlurred: false };
elDataMap.set(el, elData);
el.addEventListener('input', function markAsTouched() {
elData.isTouched = true;
// once the element has been marked as touched we can stop listening on the 'input' event
el.removeEventListener('input', markAsTouched);
el.addEventListener('blur', function markAsBlurred({ target }) {
if (elData.isTouched) {
elData.isBlurred = true;
validate({ el: target, reportInvalidInput: true });
// this event handler can be removed, since the live-feedback in `update` takes over
el.removeEventListener('blur', markAsBlurred);
if (formEl) {
formEl.addEventListener('submit', focusFirstInvalidInput);
validate({ el, reportInvalidInput: showGlobalValidation });
update(el, binding) {
const { arg: showGlobalValidation } = binding;
const { validate, isTouched, isBlurred } = elDataMap.get(el);
const showValidationFeedback = showGlobalValidation || (isTouched && isBlurred);
validate({ el, reportInvalidInput: showValidationFeedback });