Henry Smith 602e2e68d9 Lots of wording improvements for the project settings area

 - Mostly very small things involving use of "a", "the" etc.
 - "post-receive" hooks are usually written with the hyphen in the name .
 - I changed the Web Hooks page to have a title consistent with all the other
   pages in the settings area.
 - More consistent usage of full-stops in lists.
2013-08-15 19:19:29 +01:00

23 lines
722 B

= form_for [@project, @key], url: project_deploy_keys_path do |f|
-if @key.errors.any?
- @key.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :title
.controls= f.text_field :title, class: 'input-xlarge'
= f.label :key
Paste a machine public key here. Read more about how to generate it
= link_to "here", help_ssh_path
= f.text_area :key, class: "input-xxlarge thin_area"
= f.submit 'Create', class: "btn-create btn"
= link_to "Cancel", project_deploy_keys_path(@project), class: "btn btn-cancel"