
56 lines
2.7 KiB

- parent = @group.parent
- group_path = root_url
- group_path << parent.full_path + '/' if parent
- if Feature::enabled?(:group_name_path_vue, current_user)
= render 'shared/groups/group_name_and_path_fields', f: f
- else
= f.label :name, class: 'label-bold' do
= s_('Groups|Group name')
= f.text_field :name, placeholder: _('My awesome group'), class: 'js-autofill-group-name form-control input-lg', data: { qa_selector: 'group_name_field' },
required: true,
title: s_('Groups|Enter a descriptive name for your group.'),
autofocus: true
= s_('Groups|Must start with letter, digit, emoji, or underscore. Can also contain periods, dashes, spaces, and parentheses.')
= f.label :path, class: 'label-bold' do
= s_('Groups|Group URL')
.group-root-path.input-group-prepend.has-tooltip{ title: group_path, :'data-placement' => 'bottom' }
%span>= root_url
- if parent
%strong= parent.full_path + '/'
= f.hidden_field :parent_id
= f.text_field :path, placeholder: _('my-awesome-group'), class: 'form-control js-validate-group-path js-autofill-group-path', data: { qa_selector: 'group_path_field' },
autofocus: local_assigns[:autofocus] || false, required: true,
pattern: Gitlab::PathRegex::NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS,
title: group_url_error_message,
maxlength: ::Namespace::URL_MAX_LENGTH,
"data-bind-in" => "#{'create_chat_team' if Gitlab.config.mattermost.enabled}"
= s_('Groups|Group path is unavailable. Path has been replaced with a suggested available path.') s_('Groups|Group path is available.') s_('Groups|Checking group URL availability...')
- if @group.persisted?
= sprite_icon('warning', size: 16, css_class: 'gl-icon gl-alert-icon gl-alert-icon-no-title')
= s_('Groups|Changing group URL can have unintended side effects.')
= succeed '.' do
= link_to s_('Groups|Learn more'), help_page_path('user/group/index', anchor: 'change-a-groups-path'), target: '_blank', class: 'gl-link'
- if @group.persisted?
= f.label :id, class: 'label-bold' do
= s_('Groups|Group ID')
= f.text_field :id, class: 'form-control', readonly: true