Phil Hughes 33c4c5b8f3
Added file tree to merge request diffs
This file tree displays all the diff files in a tree like format
Each file is taken and converted into a tree with folders
Each folder can be toggled open & closed
Clicking a file will scroll to the diff file & highlight with a glow affect

Searching the tree list will search only files & return a list of the
files without any folders

Each file row contains an icon to show changed, new file or deleted
Each row will also contain the added & removed lines count

2018-10-03 10:05:43 +01:00

33 lines
1.3 KiB

export const INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE = 'inline';
export const PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE = 'parallel';
export const MATCH_LINE_TYPE = 'match';
export const OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE = 'old-nonewline';
export const NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE = 'new-nonewline';
export const CONTEXT_LINE_TYPE = 'context';
export const EMPTY_CELL_TYPE = 'empty-cell';
export const COMMENT_FORM_TYPE = 'commentForm';
export const DIFF_NOTE_TYPE = 'DiffNote';
export const LEGACY_DIFF_NOTE_TYPE = 'LegacyDiffNote';
export const NOTE_TYPE = 'Note';
export const NEW_LINE_TYPE = 'new';
export const OLD_LINE_TYPE = 'old';
export const TEXT_DIFF_POSITION_TYPE = 'text';
export const LINE_POSITION_LEFT = 'left';
export const LINE_POSITION_RIGHT = 'right';
export const LINE_SIDE_LEFT = 'left-side';
export const LINE_SIDE_RIGHT = 'right-side';
export const DIFF_VIEW_COOKIE_NAME = 'diff_view';
export const LINE_HOVER_CLASS_NAME = 'is-over';
export const LINE_UNFOLD_CLASS_NAME = 'unfold js-unfold';
export const CONTEXT_LINE_CLASS_NAME = 'diff-expanded';
export const UNFOLD_COUNT = 20;
export const COUNT_OF_AVATARS_IN_GUTTER = 3;
export const LENGTH_OF_AVATAR_TOOLTIP = 17;
export const MAX_LINES_TO_BE_RENDERED = 2000;
export const MR_TREE_SHOW_KEY = 'mr_tree_show';