After the import has finished, we flush (delete) the InternalId records related to the project at hand. This means we're starting over with tracking correct internal id values, a new record will be created automatically when the next internal id is generated. The GitHub importer assigns iid values by using supplied values from GitHub. We skip tracking internal id values during the import in favor of higher concurrency. Deleting any InternalId records after the import has finished is an extra measure to guarantee consistency. Closes https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/54270.
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# An InternalId is a strictly monotone sequence of integers
# generated for a given scope and usage.
# The monotone sequence may be broken if an ID is explicitly provided
# to `.track_greatest_and_save!` or `#track_greatest`.
# For example, issues use their project to scope internal ids:
# In that sense, scope is "project" and usage is "issues".
# Generated internal ids for an issue are unique per project.
# See InternalId#usage enum for available usages.
# In order to leverage InternalId for other usages, the idea is to
# * Add `usage` value to enum
# * (Optionally) add columns to `internal_ids` if needed for scope.
class InternalId < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :namespace
enum usage: { issues: 0, merge_requests: 1, deployments: 2, milestones: 3, epics: 4, ci_pipelines: 5 }
validates :usage, presence: true
# Increments #last_value and saves the record
# The operation locks the record and gathers a `ROW SHARE` lock (in PostgreSQL).
# As such, the increment is atomic and safe to be called concurrently.
def increment_and_save!
update_and_save { self.last_value = (last_value || 0) + 1 }
# Increments #last_value with new_value if it is greater than the current,
# and saves the record
# The operation locks the record and gathers a `ROW SHARE` lock (in PostgreSQL).
# As such, the increment is atomic and safe to be called concurrently.
def track_greatest_and_save!(new_value)
update_and_save { self.last_value = [last_value || 0, new_value].max }
def update_and_save(&block)
class << self
def track_greatest(subject, scope, usage, new_value, init)
return new_value unless available?
InternalIdGenerator.new(subject, scope, usage, init).track_greatest(new_value)
def generate_next(subject, scope, usage, init)
# Shortcut if `internal_ids` table is not available (yet)
# This can be the case in other (unrelated) migration specs
return (init.call(subject) || 0) + 1 unless available?
InternalIdGenerator.new(subject, scope, usage, init).generate
# Flushing records is generally safe in a sense that those
# records are going to be re-created when needed.
# A filter condition has to be provided to not accidentally flush
# records for all projects.
def flush_records!(filter)
raise ArgumentError, "filter cannot be empty" if filter.blank?
def available?
@available_flag ||= ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version >= REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION # rubocop:disable Gitlab/PredicateMemoization
# Flushes cached information about schema
def reset_column_information
@available_flag = nil
class InternalIdGenerator
# Generate next internal id for a given scope and usage.
# For currently supported usages, see #usage enum.
# The method implements a locking scheme that has the following properties:
# 1) Generated sequence of internal ids is unique per (scope and usage)
# 2) The method is thread-safe and may be used in concurrent threads/processes.
# 3) The generated sequence is gapless.
# 4) In the absence of a record in the internal_ids table, one will be created
# and last_value will be calculated on the fly.
# subject: The instance we're generating an internal id for. Gets passed to init if called.
# scope: Attributes that define the scope for id generation.
# usage: Symbol to define the usage of the internal id, see InternalId.usages
# init: Block that gets called to initialize InternalId record if not present
# Make sure to not throw exceptions in the absence of records (if this is expected).
attr_reader :subject, :scope, :init, :scope_attrs, :usage
def initialize(subject, scope, usage, init)
@subject = subject
@scope = scope
@init = init
@usage = usage
raise ArgumentError, 'Scope is not well-defined, need at least one column for scope (given: 0)' if scope.empty?
unless InternalId.usages.has_key?(usage.to_s)
raise ArgumentError, "Usage '#{usage}' is unknown. Supported values are #{InternalId.usages.keys} from InternalId.usages"
# Generates next internal id and returns it
def generate
subject.transaction do
# Create a record in internal_ids if one does not yet exist
# and increment its last value
# Note this will acquire a ROW SHARE lock on the InternalId record
(lookup || create_record).increment_and_save!
# Create a record in internal_ids if one does not yet exist
# and set its new_value if it is higher than the current last_value
# Note this will acquire a ROW SHARE lock on the InternalId record
def track_greatest(new_value)
subject.transaction do
(lookup || create_record).track_greatest_and_save!(new_value)
# Retrieve InternalId record for (project, usage) combination, if it exists
def lookup
InternalId.find_by(**scope, usage: usage_value)
def usage_value
@usage_value ||= InternalId.usages[usage.to_s]
# Create InternalId record for (scope, usage) combination, if it doesn't exist
# We blindly insert without synchronization. If another process
# was faster in doing this, we'll realize once we hit the unique key constraint
# violation. We can safely roll-back the nested transaction and perform
# a lookup instead to retrieve the record.
def create_record
subject.transaction(requires_new: true) do
usage: usage_value,
last_value: init.call(subject) || 0
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique