
352 lines
11 KiB

/* eslint-disable func-names, no-var, wrap-iife, quotes, comma-dangle, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-loop-func, no-floating-decimal, consistent-return, no-unused-vars, prefer-template, prefer-arrow-callback, camelcase, max-len */
import $ from 'jquery';
import { __ } from '../locale';
import axios from '../lib/utils/axios_utils';
import flash from '../flash';
import Raphael from './raphael';
export default (function() {
function BranchGraph(element1, options1) {
this.element = element1;
this.options = options1;
this.scrollTop = this.scrollTop.bind(this);
this.scrollBottom = this.scrollBottom.bind(this);
this.scrollRight = this.scrollRight.bind(this);
this.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft.bind(this);
this.scrollUp = this.scrollUp.bind(this);
this.scrollDown = this.scrollDown.bind(this);
this.preparedCommits = {};
this.mtime = 0;
this.mspace = 0;
this.parents = {};
this.colors = ["#000"];
this.offsetX = 150;
this.offsetY = 20;
this.unitTime = 30;
this.unitSpace = 10;
this.prev_start = -1;
BranchGraph.prototype.load = function() {
.then(({ data }) => {
$(".loading", this.element).hide();
this.prepareData(data.days, data.commits);
.catch(() => __('Error fetching network graph.'));
BranchGraph.prototype.prepareData = function(days, commits) {
var c, ch, cw, j, len, ref;
this.days = days;
this.commits = commits;
this.graphHeight = $(this.element).height();
this.graphWidth = $(this.element).width();
ch = Math.max(this.graphHeight, this.offsetY + this.unitTime * this.mtime + 150);
cw = Math.max(this.graphWidth, this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * this.mspace + 300);
this.r = Raphael(this.element.get(0), cw, ch); = this.r.set();
this.barHeight = Math.max(this.graphHeight, this.unitTime * this.days.length + 320);
ref = this.commits;
for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j += 1) {
c = ref[j];
if ( in this.parents) {
c.isParent = true;
this.preparedCommits[] = c;
return this.collectColors();
BranchGraph.prototype.collectParents = function() {
var c, j, len, p, ref, results;
ref = this.commits;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j += 1) {
c = ref[j];
this.mtime = Math.max(this.mtime, c.time);
this.mspace = Math.max(this.mspace,;
results.push((function() {
var l, len1, ref1, results1;
ref1 = c.parents;
results1 = [];
for (l = 0, len1 = ref1.length; l < len1; l += 1) {
p = ref1[l];
this.parents[p[0]] = true;
results1.push(this.mspace = Math.max(this.mspace, p[1]));
return results1;
return results;
BranchGraph.prototype.collectColors = function() {
var k, results;
k = 0;
results = [];
while (k < this.mspace) {
// Skipping a few colors in the spectrum to get more contrast between colors
results.push(k += 1);
return results;
BranchGraph.prototype.buildGraph = function() {
var cuday, cumonth, day, j, len, mm, ref;
const { r } = this;
cuday = 0;
cumonth = "";
r.rect(0, 0, 40, this.barHeight).attr({
fill: "#222"
r.rect(40, 0, 30, this.barHeight).attr({
fill: "#444"
ref = this.days;
for (mm = 0, len = ref.length; mm < len; mm += 1) {
day = ref[mm];
if (cuday !== day[0] || cumonth !== day[1]) {
// Dates
r.text(55, this.offsetY + this.unitTime * mm, day[0]).attr({
font: "12px Monaco, monospace",
fill: "#BBB"
[cuday] = day;
if (cumonth !== day[1]) {
// Months
r.text(20, this.offsetY + this.unitTime * mm, day[1]).attr({
font: "12px Monaco, monospace",
fill: "#EEE"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
cumonth = day[1];
return this.bindEvents();
BranchGraph.prototype.renderPartialGraph = function() {
var commit, end, i, isGraphEdge, start, x, y;
start = Math.floor((this.element.scrollTop() - this.offsetY) / this.unitTime) - 10;
if (start < 0) {
isGraphEdge = true;
start = 0;
end = start + 40;
if (this.commits.length < end) {
isGraphEdge = true;
end = this.commits.length;
if (this.prev_start === -1 || Math.abs(this.prev_start - start) > 10 || isGraphEdge) {
i = start;
this.prev_start = start;
while (i < end) {
commit = this.commits[i];
i += 1;
if (commit.hasDrawn !== true) {
x = this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * (this.mspace -;
y = this.offsetY + this.unitTime * commit.time;
this.drawDot(x, y, commit);
this.drawLines(x, y, commit);
this.appendLabel(x, y, commit);
this.appendAnchor(x, y, commit);
commit.hasDrawn = true;
BranchGraph.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
const { element } = this;
return $(element).scroll((function(_this) {
return function(event) {
return _this.renderPartialGraph();
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollDown = function() {
this.element.scrollTop(this.element.scrollTop() + 50);
return this.renderPartialGraph();
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollUp = function() {
this.element.scrollTop(this.element.scrollTop() - 50);
return this.renderPartialGraph();
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollLeft = function() {
this.element.scrollLeft(this.element.scrollLeft() - 50);
return this.renderPartialGraph();
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollRight = function() {
this.element.scrollLeft(this.element.scrollLeft() + 50);
return this.renderPartialGraph();
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollBottom = function() {
return this.element.scrollTop(this.element.find('svg').height());
BranchGraph.prototype.scrollTop = function() {
return this.element.scrollTop(0);
BranchGraph.prototype.appendLabel = function(x, y, commit) {
var label, rect, shortrefs, text, textbox, triangle;
if (!commit.refs) {
const { r } = this;
shortrefs = commit.refs;
// Truncate if longer than 15 chars
if (shortrefs.length > 17) {
shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0, 15) + "…";
text = r.text(x + 4, y, shortrefs).attr({
"text-anchor": "start",
font: "10px Monaco, monospace",
fill: "#FFF",
title: commit.refs
textbox = text.getBBox();
// Create rectangle based on the size of the textbox
rect = r.rect(x, y - 7, textbox.width + 5, textbox.height + 5, 4).attr({
fill: "#000",
"fill-opacity": .5,
stroke: "none"
triangle = r.path(["M", x - 5, y, "L", x - 15, y - 4, "L", x - 15, y + 4, "Z"]).attr({
fill: "#000",
"fill-opacity": .5,
stroke: "none"
label = r.set(rect, text);
label.transform(["t", -rect.getBBox().width - 15, 0]);
// Set text to front
return text.toFront();
BranchGraph.prototype.appendAnchor = function(x, y, commit) {
const { r, top, options } = this;
const anchor =, y, 10).attr({
fill: "#000",
opacity: 0,
cursor: "pointer"
}).click(function() {
return"%s",, "_blank");
}).hover(function() {
this.tooltip = r.commitTooltip(x + 5, y, commit);
return top.push(this.tooltip.insertBefore(this));
}, function() {
return this.tooltip && this.tooltip.remove() && delete this.tooltip;
return top.push(anchor);
BranchGraph.prototype.drawDot = function(x, y, commit) {
const { r } = this;, y, 3).attr({
fill: this.colors[],
stroke: "none"
const avatar_box_x = this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * this.mspace + 10;
const avatar_box_y = y - 10;
r.rect(avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20).attr({
stroke: this.colors[],
"stroke-width": 2
r.image(, avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20);
return r.text(this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * this.mspace + 35, y, commit.message.split("\n")[0]).attr({
"text-anchor": "start",
font: "14px Monaco, monospace"
BranchGraph.prototype.drawLines = function(x, y, commit) {
var arrow, color, i, len, offset, parent, parentCommit, parentX1, parentX2, parentY, route;
const { r } = this;
const ref = commit.parents;
const results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i += 1) {
parent = ref[i];
parentCommit = this.preparedCommits[parent[0]];
parentY = this.offsetY + this.unitTime * parentCommit.time;
parentX1 = this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * (this.mspace -;
parentX2 = this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * (this.mspace - parent[1]);
// Set line color
if ( <= {
color = this.colors[];
} else {
color = this.colors[];
// Build line shape
if (parent[1] === {
offset = [0, 5];
arrow = "l-2,5,4,0,-2,-5,0,5";
} else if (parent[1] < {
offset = [3, 3];
arrow = "l5,0,-2,4,-3,-4,4,2";
} else {
offset = [-3, 3];
arrow = "l-5,0,2,4,3,-4,-4,2";
// Start point
route = ["M", x + offset[0], y + offset[1]];
// Add arrow if not first parent
if (i > 0) {
// Circumvent if overlap
if ( !== || !== parent[1]) {
route.push("L", parentX2, y + 10, "L", parentX2, parentY - 5);
// End point
route.push("L", parentX1, parentY);
stroke: color,
"stroke-width": 2
return results;
BranchGraph.prototype.markCommit = function(commit) {
if ( === this.options.commit_id) {
const { r } = this;
const x = this.offsetX + this.unitSpace * (this.mspace -;
const y = this.offsetY + this.unitTime * commit.time;
r.path(["M", x + 5, y, "L", x + 15, y + 4, "L", x + 15, y - 4, "Z"]).attr({
fill: "#000",
"fill-opacity": .5,
stroke: "none"
// Displayed in the center
return this.element.scrollTop(y - this.graphHeight / 2);
return BranchGraph;