
62 lines
2.7 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module ListboxHelper
DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLASSES = %w[dropdown b-dropdown gl-new-dropdown btn-group js-redirect-listbox].freeze
DROPDOWN_BUTTON_CLASSES = %w[btn dropdown-toggle btn-default btn-md gl-button gl-dropdown-toggle].freeze
DROPDOWN_INNER_CLASS = 'gl-new-dropdown-button-text'
DROPDOWN_ICON_CLASS = 'gl-button-icon dropdown-chevron gl-icon'
# Creates a listbox component with redirect behavior.
# Use this for migrating existing deprecated dropdowns to become
# Pajamas-compliant. New features should use Vue components directly instead.
# The `items` parameter must be an array of hashes, each with `value`, `text`
# and `href` keys, where `value` is a unique identifier for the item (e.g.,
# the sort key), `text` is the user-facing string for the item, and `href` is
# the path to redirect to when that item is selected.
# The `selected` parameter is the currently selected `value`, and should
# correspond to one of the `items`, or be `nil`. When `selected.nil?` or
# a value which does not correspond to one of the items, the first item is
# selected.
# The final parameter `html_options` applies arbitrary attributes to the
# returned tag. Some of these are passed to the underlying Vue component as
# props, e.g., to right-align the menu of items, add `data: { right: true }`.
# Examples:
# # Create a listbox with two items, with the first item selected
# - items = [{ value: 'foo', text: 'Name, ascending', href: '/foo' },
# { value: 'bar', text: 'Name, descending', href: '/bar' }]
# = gl_redirect_listbox_tag items, 'foo'
# # Create the same listbox, right-align the menu and add margin styling
# = gl_redirect_listbox_tag items, 'foo', class: 'gl-ml-3', data: { right: true }
def gl_redirect_listbox_tag(items, selected, html_options = {})
# Add script tag for app/assets/javascripts/entrypoints/behaviors/redirect_listbox.js
content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
webpack_bundle_tag 'redirect_listbox'
selected_option = items.find { |opt| opt[:value] == selected }
unless selected_option
selected_option = items.first
selected = selected_option[:value]
button = button_tag(type: :button, class: DROPDOWN_BUTTON_CLASSES) do
content_tag(:span, selected_option[:text], class: DROPDOWN_INNER_CLASS) +
sprite_icon('chevron-down', css_class: DROPDOWN_ICON_CLASS)
classes = [*DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLASSES, *html_options[:class]]
data = html_options.fetch(:data, {}).merge(items: items, selected: selected)
content_tag(:div, button, html_options.merge({
class: classes,
data: data