Holding shift will allow users to click and select multiple lines. The behavior is similar to GitHub. Complete with tests.
76 lines
2.4 KiB
76 lines
2.4 KiB
class BlobView
constructor: ->
# handle multi-line select
handleMultiSelect = (e) ->
[ first_line, last_line ] = parseSelectedLines()
[ line_number ] = parseSelectedLines($(this).attr("id"))
hash = "L#{line_number}"
if e.shiftKey and not isNaN(first_line) and not isNaN(line_number)
if line_number < first_line
last_line = first_line
first_line = line_number
last_line = line_number
hash = if first_line == last_line then "L#{first_line}" else "L#{first_line}-#{last_line}"
# See if there are lines selected
# "#L12" and "#L34-56" supported
highlightBlobLines = (e) ->
[ first_line, last_line ] = parseSelectedLines()
unless isNaN first_line
$("#tree-content-holder .highlight .line").removeClass("hll")
$("#LC#{line}").addClass("hll") for line in [first_line..last_line]
$("#L#{first_line}").ScrollTo() unless e?
# parse selected lines from hash
# always return first and last line (initialized to NaN)
parseSelectedLines = (str) ->
first_line = NaN
last_line = NaN
hash = str || window.location.hash
if hash isnt ""
matches = hash.match(/\#?L(\d+)(\-(\d+))?/)
first_line = parseInt(matches?[1])
last_line = parseInt(matches?[3])
last_line = first_line if isNaN(last_line)
[ first_line, last_line ]
setHash = (hash) ->
hash = hash.replace(/^\#/, "")
nodes = $("#" + hash)
# if any nodes are using this id, they must be temporarily changed
# also, add a temporary div at the top of the screen to prevent scrolling
if nodes.length > 0
scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop()
nodes.attr("id", "")
tmp = $("<div></div>")
.css({ position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", top: scroll_top + "px" })
.attr("id", hash)
window.location.hash = hash
# restore the nodes
if nodes.length > 0
nodes.attr("id", hash)
# initialize multi-line select
$("#tree-content-holder .line_numbers a[id^=L]").on("click", handleMultiSelect)
# Highlight the correct lines on load
# Highlight the correct lines when the hash part of the URL changes
$(window).on("hashchange", highlightBlobLines)
@BlobView = BlobView