-Alt text to image was set to hash, which would make the page display hashes if the image/gravatar wasn't available, set the alt text to '', and made the main tool bar image follow the same or similar constraints as the other images (.avatar, .s26) Conflicts: app/assets/stylesheets/themes/ui_bb.scss app/views/snippets/_snippet.html.haml Change-Id: I42e1e86f535486fd2556d4b3e4591f3676eea033
7 lines
344 B
7 lines
344 B
= link_to commit[:id][0..8], project_commit_path(project, commit[:id]), class: "commit_short_id", alt: ''
%span= commit[:author][:name]
= image_tag gravatar_icon(commit[:author][:email]), class: "avatar", width: 16
= gfm escape_once(truncate(commit[:message], length: 50)) rescue "--broken encoding"