Tao Wang dc157729b3
i18n: externalize strings from 'app/views/layouts'
Signed-off-by: Tao Wang <>
2018-07-23 16:33:37 +10:00

32 lines
1.2 KiB

%html{ lang: "en" }
%meta{ content: "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type" }
= stylesheet_link_tag 'notify'
= yield :head
= yield
.footer{ style: "margin-top: 10px;" }
- if @target_url
- if @reply_by_email
= _('Reply to this email directly or %{view_it_on_gitlab}.') % { view_it_on_gitlab: link_to(_("view it on GitLab"), @target_url) }
- else
#{link_to _("View it on GitLab"), @target_url}.
-# Don't link the host in the line below, one link in the email is easier to quickly click than two.
= _("You're receiving this email because %{reason}.") % { reason: notification_reason_text(@reason) }
If you'd like to receive fewer emails, you can
- if @labels_url
adjust your #{link_to 'label subscriptions', @labels_url}.
- else
- if @unsubscribe_url
= link_to "unsubscribe", @unsubscribe_url
from this thread or
adjust your notification settings.
= email_action @target_url