29 lines
1.8 KiB
29 lines
1.8 KiB
- strong_start = "<strong>".html_safe
- strong_end = "</strong>".html_safe
.modal.js-confirm-project-visiblity{ tabindex: -1 }
%h3.page-title= _('Reduce this project’s visibility?')
%button.close{ type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label" => _('Close') }
%span{ "aria-hidden": true }= sprite_icon("close")
- if @project.group
= _("You're about to reduce the visibility of the project %{strong_start}%{project_name}%{strong_end} in %{strong_start}%{group_name}%{strong_end}.").html_safe % { project_name: @project.name, group_name: @project.group.name, strong_start: strong_start, strong_end: strong_end }
- else
= _("You're about to reduce the visibility of the project %{strong_start}%{project_name}%{strong_end}.").html_safe % { project_name: @project.name, strong_start: strong_start, strong_end: strong_end }
= _('Once you confirm and press "Reduce project visibility":')
= _("Current forks will keep their visibility level.").html_safe
%label{ for: "confirm_path_input" }
= _("To confirm, type %{phrase_code}").html_safe % { phrase_code: '<code class="js-confirm-danger-match">%{phrase_name}</code>'.html_safe % { phrase_name: @project.full_path } }
= text_field_tag 'confirm_path_input', '', class: 'form-control js-confirm-danger-input qa-confirm-input'
%button.btn.gl-button.btn-default.gl-mr-4{ type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal" }
= _('Cancel')
= submit_tag _('Reduce project visibility'), class: "btn gl-button btn-danger js-confirm-danger-submit qa-confirm-button", disabled: true