Achilleas Pipinellis f934460e81 Fix wrong assumption that the public dir must be present in your git repo 2017-01-31 22:50:40 +00:00
.. Fix wrong assumption that the public dir must be present in your git repo 2017-01-31 22:50:40 +00:00

GitLab Pages

Note: This feature was introduced in GitLab EE 8.3

To start using GitLab Pages add to your project .gitlab-ci.yml the special pages job. The example below is using jekyll and assumes the created HTML files are generated under the public/ directory.

  image: jekyll
  script: jekyll build
    - public
  • The pages are created when build artifacts for pages job are uploaded
  • Pages serve the content under:
  • Pages can be used to serve the group page, special project named as host:
  • User can provide own 403 and 404 error pages by creating 403.html and 404.html in group page project
  • Pages can be explicitly removed from the project by clicking Remove Pages in Project Settings
  • The size of pages is limited by Application Setting: max pages size, which limits the maximum size of unpacked archive (default: 100MB)
  • The public/ is extracted from artifacts and content is served as static pages
  • Pages asynchronous worker use dd to limit the unpacked tar size
  • Pages needs to be explicitly enabled and domain needs to be specified in gitlab.yml
  • Pages are part of backups
  • Pages notify the deployment status using Commit Status API
  • Pages use a new sidekiq queue: pages
  • Pages use a separate nginx config which needs to be explicitly added


  • Add example with stages. test using a linter tool, deploy in pages
  • Add examples of more static tool generators
image: jekyll

  - test
  - deploy

  script: jekyll build
  stage: test

  script: jekyll build
  stage: deploy
    - public

Current limitations

  • We currently support only http and port 80. It will be extended in the future.