after user click delete branch, there is no processing indication, and user can click many times till. It seems flaw in UX. this will fix it fix bug in branch deletion link
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56 lines
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- commit = @repository.commit(branch.dereferenced_target)
- bar_graph_width_factor = @max_commits > 0 ? 100.0/@max_commits : 0
- diverging_commit_counts = @repository.diverging_commit_counts(branch)
- number_commits_behind = diverging_commit_counts[:behind]
- number_commits_ahead = diverging_commit_counts[:ahead]
- merge_project = can?(current_user, :create_merge_request, @project) ? @project : (current_user && current_user.fork_of(@project))
%li{ class: "js-branch-#{branch.name}" }
= link_to namespace_project_tree_path(@project.namespace, @project, branch.name), class: 'item-title str-truncated' do
= branch.name
- if branch.name == @repository.root_ref
%span.label.label-primary default
- elsif @repository.merged_to_root_ref? branch.name
%span.label.label-info.has-tooltip{ title: "Merged into #{@repository.root_ref}" }
- if @project.protected_branch? branch.name
- if merge_project && create_mr_button?(@repository.root_ref, branch.name)
= link_to create_mr_path(@repository.root_ref, branch.name), class: 'btn btn-default' do
Merge Request
- if branch.name != @repository.root_ref
= link_to namespace_project_compare_index_path(@project.namespace, @project, from: @repository.root_ref, to: branch.name), class: "btn btn-default #{'prepend-left-10' unless merge_project}", method: :post, title: "Compare" do
= render 'projects/buttons/download', project: @project, ref: branch.name
- if can?(current_user, :push_code, @project)
= link_to namespace_project_branch_path(@project.namespace, @project, branch.name),
class: "btn btn-remove remove-row js-ajax-loading-spinner #{can_remove_branch?(@project, branch.name) ? '' : 'disabled'}",
method: :delete,
data: { confirm: "Deleting the '#{branch.name}' branch cannot be undone. Are you sure?" },
remote: true,
"aria-label" => "Delete branch" do
= icon("trash-o")
- if branch.name != @repository.root_ref
.divergence-graph{ title: "#{number_commits_ahead} commits ahead, #{number_commits_behind} commits behind #{@repository.root_ref}" }
.bar.bar-behind{ style: "width: #{number_commits_behind * bar_graph_width_factor}%" }
%span.count.count-behind= number_commits_behind
.bar.bar-ahead{ style: "width: #{number_commits_ahead * bar_graph_width_factor}%" }
%span.count.count-ahead= number_commits_ahead
- if commit
= render 'projects/branches/commit', commit: commit, project: @project
- else
Cant find HEAD commit for this branch