//! Deletes (address, key)-binding(s), and/or a key(s). use std::convert::TryInto; use std::path::PathBuf; extern crate failure; use failure::Fallible as Result; extern crate structopt; use structopt::StructOpt; extern crate hagrid_database as database; use database::{Query, Database, KeyDatabase}; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt( name = "hagrid-delete", about = "Deletes (address, key)-binding(s), and/or a key(s)." )] pub struct Opt { /// Base directory. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] base: PathBuf, /// E-Mail address, Fingerprint, or KeyID of the TPK to delete. /// If a Fingerprint or KeyID is given, --all is implied. query: String, /// Also delete all bindings. #[structopt(long = "all-bindings")] all_bindings: bool, /// Also delete all bindings and the key. #[structopt(long = "all")] all: bool, } fn main() { if let Err(e) = real_main() { let mut cause = e.as_fail(); eprint!("{}", cause); while let Some(c) = cause.cause() { eprint!(":\n {}", c); cause = c; } eprintln!(); ::std::process::exit(2); } } fn real_main() -> Result<()> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); let db = KeyDatabase::new_from_base(opt.base.canonicalize()?)?; delete(&db, &opt.query.parse()?, opt.all_bindings, opt.all) } fn delete(db: &KeyDatabase, query: &Query, all_bindings: bool, mut all: bool) -> Result<()> { match query { Query::ByFingerprint(_) | Query::ByKeyID(_) => { eprintln!("Fingerprint or KeyID given, deleting key and all \ bindings."); all = true; }, Query::ByEmail(_) => (), } let tpk = db.lookup(&query)?.ok_or_else( || failure::format_err!("No TPK matching {:?}", query))?; let fp: database::types::Fingerprint = tpk.fingerprint().try_into()?; let mut results = Vec::new(); // First, delete the bindings. if all_bindings || all { results.push( ("all bindings".into(), db.set_email_unpublished_all(&fp))); } else { if let Query::ByEmail(ref email) = query { results.push( (email.to_string(), db.set_email_unpublished(&fp, email))); } else { unreachable!() } } // Now delete the key(s) itself. if all { // TODO /*for skb in tpk.subkeys() { results.push( (skb.subkey().fingerprint().to_keyid().to_string(), db.unlink_kid(&skb.subkey().fingerprint().try_into()?, &fp))); results.push( (skb.subkey().fingerprint().to_string(), db.unlink_fpr(&skb.subkey().fingerprint().try_into()?, &fp))); } results.push( (tpk.fingerprint().to_keyid().to_string(), db.unlink_kid(&tpk.fingerprint().try_into()?, &fp))); results.push( (tpk.fingerprint().to_string(), db.update(&fp, None))); */ } let mut err = Ok(()); for (slug, result) in results { eprintln!("{}: {}", slug, if let Err(ref e) = result { e.to_string() } else { "Deleted".into() }); if err.is_ok() { if let Err(e) = result { err = Err(e); } } } err }