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Profile pages

keys.openpgp.org displays profile pages for verified e-mail addresses. The profile page displays all verified e-mails as well as name taken from the key as well as the key fingerprint.

Each profile page is reachable via https://keys.openpgp.org/email links e.g. https://keys.openpgp.org/john@example.com

Social proofs

Additionally to e-mail addresses and basic key info keys.openpgp.org displays and verifies Social Proofs embedded in keys.

Adding social proofs

The process is two step: first creating or modifying an entry on social site (e.g. Gist on Github or profile info on Mastodon) then adding the entry URL to key as a notation. The notation uses proof@keys.openpgp.org key (note that due to compatibility reasons proof@metacode.biz notation keys are also supported).

Supported proofs

Adding proof to OpenPGP key

Edit your key with gpg --edit-key FINGERPRINT and enter notation command. The notation should be proof@keys.openpgp.org=URL where URL is the link to your proof created in the previous step.

If you have multiple proofs repeat the notation command as necessary.

After saving key changes with save use the following command to update your key:

gpg --export your_address@example.net | curl -T - {{ base_uri }}

See this profile page for an example on how proofs are rendered.
