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Hagrid implements both the legacy HKP interface, as well as our native interface, VKS.

VKS interface

Hagrid has its own URL scheme to fetch keys.

GET /vks/v1/by-fingerprint/<FINGERPRINT>

Retrieves the key with the given Fingerprint. Fingerprint may refer to the primary key, or any subkey. Hexadecimal digits MUST be uppercase, and MUST NOT be prefixed with 0x. The returned key is ASCII Armored.

GET /vks/v1/by-keyid/<KEY-ID>

Retrieves the key with the given long KeyID. KeyID may refer to the primary key, or any subkey. Hexadecimal digits MUST be uppercase, and MUST NOT be prefixed with 0x. returned key is ASCII Armored.

GET /vks/v1/by-email/<URL-encoded user ID>

Retrieves the key with the given User ID. Only exact matches are accepted. Lookup by User ID requires opt-in by the key's owner. The returned key is ASCII Armored.

POST /vks/v1/publish

Keys may be submitted using a POST request to /vks/v1/publish, the body of the request being a multipart/form-data query. keytext must be the keys to submit, either ASCII Armored or not. More than one key may be submitted in one request. Hagrid will send verification emails to every non-expired User ID.

HPK interface

Hagrid implements a subset of the HKP protocol so that tools like GnuPG and OpenKeychain can use it without modification.

GET /pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&search=<QUERY>

Returns an ASCII Armored key matching the query. Query may be:

Note that while the hexadecimal digits may use either case, using upper case letters is more efficient with Hagrid.

GET /pks/lookup?op=index&options=mr&search=<QUERY>

Returns a machine-readable list of keys matching the query. Query may have the forms detailed above. Hagrid always returns either one or no keys at all.

POST /pks/add

Keys may be submitted using a POST request to /pks/add, the body of the request being a application/x-www-form-urlencoded query. keytext must be the keys to submit, which must be ASCII Armored. More than one key may be submitted in one request.


By design, Hagrid cannot (or intentionally chooses not to) implement, the full HKP protocol. The main limitations are:

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