use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::fs::{OpenOptions, File, create_dir_all, read_link, remove_file, rename, set_permissions, Permissions}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use tempfile; use url::form_urlencoded; use pathdiff::diff_paths; use std::time::SystemTime; use {Database, Query}; use types::{Email, Fingerprint, KeyID}; use sync::FlockMutexGuard; use Result; use wkd; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use openpgp::Cert; use openpgp_utils::POLICY; pub struct Filesystem { tmp_dir: PathBuf, keys_internal_dir: PathBuf, keys_external_dir: PathBuf, keys_dir_full: PathBuf, keys_dir_quarantined: PathBuf, keys_dir_published: PathBuf, keys_dir_published_wkd: PathBuf, keys_dir_log: PathBuf, links_dir_by_fingerprint: PathBuf, links_dir_by_keyid: PathBuf, links_dir_wkd_by_email: PathBuf, links_dir_by_email: PathBuf, dry_run: bool, } /// Returns the given path, ensuring that the parent directory exists. /// /// Use this on paths returned by .path_to_* before creating the /// object. fn ensure_parent(path: &Path) -> Result<&Path> { let parent = path.parent().unwrap(); create_dir_all(parent)?; Ok(path) } impl Filesystem { pub fn new_from_base(base_dir: impl Into) -> Result { let base_dir: PathBuf = base_dir.into(); let keys_dir = base_dir.join("keys"); let tmp_dir = base_dir.join("tmp"); Self::new(&keys_dir, &keys_dir, tmp_dir) } pub fn new( keys_internal_dir: impl Into, keys_external_dir: impl Into, tmp_dir: impl Into, ) -> Result { Self::new_internal(keys_internal_dir, keys_external_dir, tmp_dir, false) } pub fn new_internal( keys_internal_dir: impl Into, keys_external_dir: impl Into, tmp_dir: impl Into, dry_run: bool, ) -> Result { let tmp_dir = tmp_dir.into(); create_dir_all(&tmp_dir)?; let keys_internal_dir: PathBuf = keys_internal_dir.into(); let keys_external_dir: PathBuf = keys_external_dir.into(); let keys_dir_full = keys_internal_dir.join("full"); let keys_dir_quarantined = keys_internal_dir.join("quarantined"); let keys_dir_log = keys_internal_dir.join("log"); let keys_dir_published = keys_external_dir.join("pub"); let keys_dir_published_wkd = keys_external_dir.join("wkd"); create_dir_all(&keys_dir_full)?; create_dir_all(&keys_dir_quarantined)?; create_dir_all(&keys_dir_published)?; create_dir_all(&keys_dir_published_wkd)?; create_dir_all(&keys_dir_log)?; let links_dir = keys_external_dir.join("links"); let links_dir_by_keyid = links_dir.join("by-keyid"); let links_dir_by_fingerprint = links_dir.join("by-fpr"); let links_dir_by_email = links_dir.join("by-email"); let links_dir_wkd_by_email = links_dir.join("wkd"); create_dir_all(&links_dir_by_keyid)?; create_dir_all(&links_dir_by_fingerprint)?; create_dir_all(&links_dir_by_email)?; create_dir_all(&links_dir_wkd_by_email)?; info!("Opened filesystem database."); info!("keys_internal_dir: '{}'", keys_internal_dir.display()); info!("keys_external_dir: '{}'", keys_external_dir.display()); info!("tmp_dir: '{}'", tmp_dir.display()); Ok(Filesystem { keys_internal_dir, keys_external_dir, tmp_dir, keys_dir_full, keys_dir_published, keys_dir_published_wkd, keys_dir_quarantined, keys_dir_log, links_dir_by_keyid, links_dir_by_fingerprint, links_dir_by_email, links_dir_wkd_by_email, dry_run, }) } /// Returns the path to the given Fingerprint. fn fingerprint_to_path_full(&self, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> PathBuf { let hex = fingerprint.to_string(); self.keys_dir_full.join(path_split(&hex)) } /// Returns the path to the given Fingerprint. fn fingerprint_to_path_quarantined(&self, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> PathBuf { let hex = fingerprint.to_string(); self.keys_dir_quarantined.join(&hex) } /// Returns the path to the given Fingerprint. fn fingerprint_to_path_published(&self, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> PathBuf { let hex = fingerprint.to_string(); self.keys_dir_published.join(path_split(&hex)) } /// Returns the path to the given Fingerprint. fn fingerprint_to_path_published_wkd(&self, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> PathBuf { let hex = fingerprint.to_string(); self.keys_dir_published_wkd.join(path_split(&hex)) } /// Returns the path to the given KeyID. fn link_by_keyid(&self, keyid: &KeyID) -> PathBuf { let hex = keyid.to_string(); self.links_dir_by_keyid.join(path_split(&hex)) } /// Returns the path to the given Fingerprint. fn link_by_fingerprint(&self, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> PathBuf { let hex = fingerprint.to_string(); self.links_dir_by_fingerprint.join(path_split(&hex)) } /// Returns the path to the given Email. fn link_by_email(&self, email: &Email) -> PathBuf { let email = form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(email.as_str().as_bytes()) .collect::(); self.links_dir_by_email.join(path_split(&email)) } /// Returns the WKD path to the given Email. fn link_wkd_by_email(&self, email: &Email) -> PathBuf { let (encoded_local_part, domain) = wkd::encode_wkd(email.as_str()).unwrap(); let encoded_domain = form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(domain.as_bytes()) .collect::(); [ &self.links_dir_wkd_by_email, &encoded_domain, &path_split(&encoded_local_part) ].iter().collect() } fn read_from_path(&self, path: &Path, allow_internal: bool) -> Option { use std::fs; if !path.starts_with(&self.keys_external_dir) && !(allow_internal && path.starts_with(&self.keys_internal_dir)) { panic!("Attempted to access file outside expected dirs!"); } if path.exists() { fs::read_to_string(path).ok() } else { None } } fn read_from_path_bytes(&self, path: &Path, allow_internal: bool) -> Option> { use std::fs; if !path.starts_with(&self.keys_external_dir) && !(allow_internal && path.starts_with(&self.keys_internal_dir)) { panic!("Attempted to access file outside expected dirs!"); } if path.exists() { fs::read(path).ok() } else { None } } /// Returns the Fingerprint the given path is pointing to. pub fn path_to_fingerprint(path: &Path) -> Option { use std::str::FromStr; let merged = path_merge(path); Fingerprint::from_str(&merged).ok() } /// Returns the KeyID the given path is pointing to. fn path_to_keyid(path: &Path) -> Option { use std::str::FromStr; let merged = path_merge(path); KeyID::from_str(&merged).ok() } /// Returns the Email the given path is pointing to. fn path_to_email(path: &Path) -> Option { use std::str::FromStr; let merged = path_merge(path); let decoded = form_urlencoded::parse(merged.as_bytes()).next()?.0; Email::from_str(&decoded).ok() } /// Returns the backing primary key fingerprint for any key path. pub fn path_to_primary(path: &Path) -> Option { use std::fs; let typ = fs::symlink_metadata(&path).ok()?.file_type(); if typ.is_symlink() { let path = read_link(path).ok()?; Filesystem::path_to_fingerprint(&path) } else { Filesystem::path_to_fingerprint(path) } } fn link_email_vks(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let path = self.fingerprint_to_path_published(fpr); let link = self.link_by_email(&email); let target = diff_paths(&path, link.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); if link == target { return Ok(()); } symlink(&target, ensure_parent(&link)?) } fn link_email_wkd(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let path = self.fingerprint_to_path_published_wkd(fpr); let link = self.link_wkd_by_email(&email); let target = diff_paths(&path, link.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); if link == target { return Ok(()); } symlink(&target, ensure_parent(&link)?) } fn unlink_email_vks(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let link = self.link_by_email(&email); let expected = diff_paths( &self.fingerprint_to_path_published(fpr), link.parent().unwrap() ).unwrap(); symlink_unlink_with_check(&link, &expected) } fn unlink_email_wkd(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let link = self.link_wkd_by_email(&email); let expected = diff_paths( &self.fingerprint_to_path_published_wkd(fpr), link.parent().unwrap() ).unwrap(); symlink_unlink_with_check(&link, &expected) } fn open_logfile(&self, file_name: &str) -> Result { let file_path = self.keys_dir_log.join(file_name); Ok(OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(file_path)?) } fn perform_checks( &self, checks_dir: &Path, tpks: &mut HashMap, check: impl Fn(&Path, &Cert, &Fingerprint) -> Result<()>, ) -> Result<()> { use walkdir::WalkDir; use std::fs; for entry in WalkDir::new(checks_dir) { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); let typ = fs::symlink_metadata(&path)?.file_type(); if typ.is_dir() { continue; } // Compute the corresponding primary fingerprint just // by looking at the paths. let primary_fp = Filesystem::path_to_primary(path) .ok_or_else( || format_err!("Malformed path: {:?}", path.read_link().unwrap()))?; // Load into cache. if ! tpks.contains_key(&primary_fp) { tpks.insert( primary_fp.clone(), self.lookup(&Query::ByFingerprint(primary_fp.clone())) ?.ok_or_else( || format_err!("No Cert with fingerprint {:?}", primary_fp))?); } let tpk = tpks.get(&primary_fp) .ok_or_else( || format_err!("Broken symlink {:?}: No such Key {}", path, primary_fp))?; check(&path, &tpk, &primary_fp)?; } Ok(()) } } // Like `symlink`, but instead of failing if `symlink_name` already // exists, atomically update `symlink_name` to have `symlink_content`. fn symlink(symlink_content: &Path, symlink_name: &Path) -> Result<()> { use std::os::unix::fs::{symlink}; let symlink_dir = ensure_parent(symlink_name)?.parent().unwrap(); let tmp_dir = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("link") .rand_bytes(16) .tempdir_in(symlink_dir)?; let symlink_name_tmp = tmp_dir.path().join("link"); symlink(&symlink_content, &symlink_name_tmp)?; rename(&symlink_name_tmp, &symlink_name)?; Ok(()) } fn symlink_unlink_with_check(link: &Path, expected: &Path) -> Result<()> { if let Ok(target) = read_link(&link) { if target == expected { remove_file(link)?; } } Ok(()) } impl Database for Filesystem { type MutexGuard = FlockMutexGuard; fn lock(&self) -> Result { FlockMutexGuard::lock(&self.keys_internal_dir) } fn write_to_temp(&self, content: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut tempfile = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("key") .rand_bytes(16) .tempfile_in(&self.tmp_dir)?; tempfile.write_all(content).unwrap(); Ok(tempfile) } fn write_log_append(&self, filename: &str, fpr_primary: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let timestamp = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs(); let fingerprint_line = format!("{:010} {}\n", timestamp, fpr_primary.to_string()); self.open_logfile(filename)? .write_all(fingerprint_line.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } fn move_tmp_to_full(&self, file: NamedTempFile, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run { return Ok(()); } set_permissions(file.path(), Permissions::from_mode(0o640))?; let target = self.fingerprint_to_path_full(fpr); file.persist(ensure_parent(&target)?)?; Ok(()) } fn move_tmp_to_published(&self, file: NamedTempFile, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run { return Ok(()); } set_permissions(file.path(), Permissions::from_mode(0o644))?; let target = self.fingerprint_to_path_published(fpr); file.persist(ensure_parent(&target)?)?; Ok(()) } fn move_tmp_to_published_wkd(&self, file: Option, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run { return Ok(()); } let target = self.fingerprint_to_path_published_wkd(fpr); if let Some(file) = file { set_permissions(file.path(), Permissions::from_mode(0o644))?; file.persist(ensure_parent(&target)?)?; } else if target.exists() { remove_file(target)?; } Ok(()) } fn write_to_quarantine(&self, fpr: &Fingerprint, content: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let mut tempfile = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("key") .rand_bytes(16) .tempfile_in(&self.tmp_dir)?; tempfile.write_all(content).unwrap(); let target = self.fingerprint_to_path_quarantined(fpr); tempfile.persist(ensure_parent(&target)?)?; Ok(()) } fn check_link_fpr(&self, fpr: &Fingerprint, fpr_target: &Fingerprint) -> Result> { let link_keyid = self.link_by_keyid(&fpr.into()); let link_fpr = self.link_by_fingerprint(&fpr); let path_published = self.fingerprint_to_path_published(fpr_target); if let Ok(link_fpr_target) = link_keyid.canonicalize() { if !link_fpr_target.ends_with(&path_published) { info!("Fingerprint points to different key for {} (expected {:?} to be suffix of {:?})", fpr, &path_published, &link_fpr_target); Err(anyhow!(format!("Fingerprint collision for key {}", fpr)))?; } } if let Ok(link_keyid_target) = link_keyid.canonicalize() { if !link_keyid_target.ends_with(&path_published) { info!("KeyID points to different key for {} (expected {:?} to be suffix of {:?})", fpr, &path_published, &link_keyid_target); Err(anyhow!(format!("KeyID collision for key {}", fpr)))?; } } if !link_fpr.exists() || !link_keyid.exists() { Ok(Some(fpr.clone())) } else { Ok(None) } } fn lookup_primary_fingerprint(&self, term: &Query) -> Option { use super::Query::*; let path = match term { ByFingerprint(ref fp) => self.link_by_fingerprint(fp), ByKeyID(ref keyid) => self.link_by_keyid(keyid), ByEmail(ref email) => self.link_by_email(email), _ => return None }; path.read_link() .ok() .and_then(|link_path| Filesystem::path_to_fingerprint(&link_path)) } /// Gets the path to the underlying file, if any. fn lookup_path(&self, term: &Query) -> Option { use super::Query::*; let path = match term { ByFingerprint(ref fp) => self.link_by_fingerprint(fp), ByKeyID(ref keyid) => self.link_by_keyid(keyid), ByEmail(ref email) => self.link_by_email(email), _ => return None }; if path.exists() { let x = diff_paths(&path, &self.keys_external_dir).expect("related paths"); Some(x) } else { None } } fn link_email(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run { return Ok(()); } self.link_email_vks(email, fpr)?; self.link_email_wkd(email, fpr)?; Ok(()) } fn unlink_email(&self, email: &Email, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { self.unlink_email_vks(email, fpr)?; self.unlink_email_wkd(email, fpr)?; Ok(()) } fn link_fpr(&self, from: &Fingerprint, primary_fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run { return Ok(()); } let link_fpr = self.link_by_fingerprint(from); let link_keyid = self.link_by_keyid(&from.into()); let target = diff_paths(&self.fingerprint_to_path_published(primary_fpr), link_fpr.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); symlink(&target, ensure_parent(&link_fpr)?)?; symlink(&target, ensure_parent(&link_keyid)?) } fn unlink_fpr(&self, from: &Fingerprint, primary_fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Result<()> { let link_fpr = self.link_by_fingerprint(from); let link_keyid = self.link_by_keyid(&from.into()); let expected = diff_paths(&self.fingerprint_to_path_published(primary_fpr), link_fpr.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); match read_link(&link_fpr) { Ok(target) => { if target == expected { remove_file(&link_fpr)?; } } Err(_) => {} } match read_link(&link_keyid) { Ok(target) => { if target == expected { remove_file(link_keyid)?; } } Err(_) => {} } Ok(()) } // XXX: slow fn by_fpr_full(&self, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Option { let path = self.fingerprint_to_path_full(fpr); self.read_from_path(&path, true) } // XXX: slow fn by_primary_fpr(&self, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Option { let path = self.fingerprint_to_path_published(fpr); self.read_from_path(&path, false) } // XXX: slow fn by_fpr(&self, fpr: &Fingerprint) -> Option { let path = self.link_by_fingerprint(fpr); self.read_from_path(&path, false) } // XXX: slow fn by_email(&self, email: &Email) -> Option { let path = self.link_by_email(&email); self.read_from_path(&path, false) } // XXX: slow fn by_email_wkd(&self, email: &Email) -> Option> { let path = self.link_wkd_by_email(&email); self.read_from_path_bytes(&path, false) } // XXX: slow fn by_kid(&self, kid: &KeyID) -> Option { let path = self.link_by_keyid(kid); self.read_from_path(&path, false) } /// Checks the database for consistency. /// /// Note that this operation may take a long time, and is /// generally only useful for testing. fn check_consistency(&self) -> Result<()> { // A cache of all Certs, for quick lookups. let mut tpks = HashMap::new(); self.perform_checks(&self.keys_dir_published, &mut tpks, |path, _, primary_fp| { // The KeyID corresponding with this path. let fp = Filesystem::path_to_fingerprint(&path) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Malformed path: {:?}", path))?; if fp != *primary_fp { return Err(format_err!( "{:?} points to the wrong Cert, expected {} \ but found {}", path, fp, primary_fp)); } Ok(()) } )?; self.perform_checks(&self.keys_dir_published, &mut tpks, |_, tpk, primary_fp| { // check that certificate exists in published wkd path let path_wkd = self.fingerprint_to_path_published_wkd(&primary_fp); let should_wkd_exist = tpk.userids().next().is_some(); if should_wkd_exist && !path_wkd.exists() { return Err(format_err!("Missing wkd for fp {}", primary_fp)); }; if !should_wkd_exist && path_wkd.exists() { return Err(format_err!("Incorrectly present wkd for fp {}", primary_fp)); }; Ok(()) } )?; // check that all subkeys are linked self.perform_checks(&self.keys_dir_published, &mut tpks, |_, tpk, primary_fp| { let policy = &POLICY; let fingerprints = tpk .keys() .with_policy(policy, None) .for_certification() .for_signing() .map(|amalgamation| amalgamation.key().fingerprint()) .map(|fpr| Fingerprint::try_from(fpr)) .flatten(); for fpr in fingerprints { if let Some(missing_fpr) = self.check_link_fpr(&fpr, &primary_fp)? { return Err(format_err!( "Missing link to key {} for sub {}", primary_fp, missing_fpr)); } } Ok(()) } )?; // check that all published uids are linked self.perform_checks(&self.keys_dir_published, &mut tpks, |_, tpk, primary_fp| { let emails = tpk .userids() .map(|binding| binding.userid().clone()) .map(|userid| Email::try_from(&userid).unwrap()); for email in emails { let email_path = self.link_by_email(&email); if !email_path.exists() { return Err(format_err!( "Missing link to key {} for email {}", primary_fp, email)); } let email_wkd_path = self.link_wkd_by_email(&email); if !email_wkd_path.exists() { return Err(format_err!( "Missing wkd link to key {} for email {}", primary_fp, email)); } } Ok(()) } )?; self.perform_checks(&self.links_dir_by_fingerprint, &mut tpks, |path, tpk, _| { // The KeyID corresponding with this path. let id = Filesystem::path_to_keyid(&path) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Malformed path: {:?}", path))?; let found = tpk.keys() .map(|amalgamation| KeyID::try_from(amalgamation.key().fingerprint()).unwrap()) .any(|key_fp| key_fp == id); if ! found { return Err(format_err!( "{:?} points to the wrong Cert, the Cert does not \ contain the (sub)key {}", path, id)); } Ok(()) } )?; self.perform_checks(&self.links_dir_by_keyid, &mut tpks, |path, tpk, _| { // The KeyID corresponding with this path. let id = Filesystem::path_to_keyid(&path) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Malformed path: {:?}", path))?; let found = tpk.keys() .map(|amalgamation| KeyID::try_from(amalgamation.key().fingerprint()).unwrap()) .any(|key_fp| key_fp == id); if ! found { return Err(format_err!( "{:?} points to the wrong Cert, the Cert does not \ contain the (sub)key {}", path, id)); } Ok(()) } )?; self.perform_checks(&self.links_dir_by_email, &mut tpks, |path, tpk, _| { // The Email corresponding with this path. let email = Filesystem::path_to_email(&path) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Malformed path: {:?}", path))?; let mut found = false; for uidb in tpk.userids() { if Email::try_from(uidb.userid()).unwrap() == email { found = true; break; } } if ! found { return Err(format_err!( "{:?} points to the wrong Cert, the Cert does not \ contain the email {}", path, email)); } Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } } fn path_split(path: &str) -> PathBuf { if path.len() > 4 { [&path[..2], &path[2..4], &path[4..]].iter().collect() } else { path.into() } } fn path_merge(path: &Path) -> String { let comps = path.iter().rev().take(3).collect::>().into_iter().rev(); let comps: Vec<_> =|os| os.to_string_lossy()).collect(); comps.join("") } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use test; use openpgp::cert::CertBuilder; use tempfile::TempDir; #[test] fn init() { let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let _ = Filesystem::new_from_base(tmpdir.path()).unwrap(); } fn open_db() -> (TempDir, Filesystem, PathBuf) { let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let db = Filesystem::new_from_base(tmpdir.path()).unwrap(); let log_path = db.keys_dir_log.join(db.get_current_log_filename()); (tmpdir, db, log_path) } #[test] fn new() { let (_tmp_dir, db, _log_path) = open_db(); let k1 = CertBuilder::new().add_userid("") .generate().unwrap().0; let k2 = CertBuilder::new().add_userid("") .generate().unwrap().0; let k3 = CertBuilder::new().add_userid("") .generate().unwrap().0; assert!(db.merge(k1).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); assert!(db.merge(k2.clone()).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); assert!(!db.merge(k2).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); assert!(db.merge(k3.clone()).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); assert!(!db.merge(k3.clone()).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); assert!(!db.merge(k3).unwrap().into_tpk_status().email_status.len() > 0); } #[test] fn uid_verification() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_uid_verification(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn uid_deletion() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_uid_deletion(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn subkey_lookup() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_subkey_lookup(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn kid_lookup() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_kid_lookup(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn upload_revoked_tpk() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_upload_revoked_tpk(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn uid_revocation() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_uid_revocation(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn regenerate() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_regenerate(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn key_reupload() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_reupload(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn uid_replacement() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_uid_replacement(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn uid_unlinking() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_unlink_uid(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn same_email_1() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_same_email_1(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn same_email_2() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_same_email_2(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn same_email_3() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_same_email_3(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn same_email_4() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_same_email_4(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn no_selfsig() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_no_selfsig(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn bad_uids() { let (_tmp_dir, mut db, log_path) = open_db(); test::test_bad_uids(&mut db, &log_path); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } #[test] fn reverse_fingerprint_to_path() { let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let db = Filesystem::new_from_base(tmpdir.path()).unwrap(); let fp: Fingerprint = "CBCD8F030588653EEDD7E2659B7DD433F254904A".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(Filesystem::path_to_fingerprint(&db.link_by_fingerprint(&fp)), Some(fp.clone())); db.check_consistency().expect("inconsistent database"); } }