
475 lines
16 KiB

use std::fmt;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rocket::Data;
use rocket::Outcome;
use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status};
use rocket::request::{self, Request, FromRequest};
use rocket::http::uri::Uri;
use rocket_i18n::I18n;
use crate::database::{Database, Query, KeyDatabase};
use crate::database::types::{Email, Fingerprint, KeyID};
use crate::rate_limiter::RateLimiter;
use crate::tokens;
use crate::web;
use crate::mail;
use crate::web::{HagridState, RequestOrigin, MyResponse, vks_web};
use crate::web::vks::response::UploadResponse;
use crate::web::vks::response::EmailStatus;
pub enum Hkp {
Fingerprint { fpr: Fingerprint, index: bool },
KeyID { keyid: KeyID, index: bool },
ShortKeyID { query: String, index: bool },
Email { email: Email, index: bool },
Invalid { query: String, },
impl fmt::Display for Hkp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Hkp::Fingerprint{ ref fpr,.. } => write!(f, "{}", fpr),
Hkp::KeyID{ ref keyid,.. } => write!(f, "{}", keyid),
Hkp::Email{ ref email,.. } => write!(f, "{}", email),
Hkp::ShortKeyID{ ref query,.. } => write!(f, "{}", query),
Hkp::Invalid{ ref query } => write!(f, "{}", query),
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Hkp {
type Error = ();
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<Hkp, ()> {
use std::str::FromStr;
use rocket::request::FormItems;
let query = request.uri().query().unwrap_or("");
let fields = FormItems::from(query)
.map(|item| {
let (k, v) = item.key_value();
let key = k.url_decode().unwrap_or_default();
let value = v.url_decode().unwrap_or_default();
(key, value)
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
if fields.contains_key("search")
&& fields
.map(|x| x == "get" || x == "index")
let index = fields.get("op").map(|x| x == "index").unwrap_or(false);
let search = fields.get("search").cloned().unwrap_or_default();
let maybe_fpr = Fingerprint::from_str(&search);
let maybe_keyid = KeyID::from_str(&search);
let looks_like_short_key_id = !search.contains('@') &&
(search.starts_with("0x") && search.len() < 16 || search.len() == 8);
if looks_like_short_key_id {
Outcome::Success(Hkp::ShortKeyID {
query: search,
index: index,
} else if let Ok(fpr) = maybe_fpr {
Outcome::Success(Hkp::Fingerprint {
fpr: fpr,
index: index,
} else if let Ok(keyid) = maybe_keyid {
Outcome::Success(Hkp::KeyID {
keyid: keyid,
index: index,
} else {
match Email::from_str(&search) {
Ok(email) => {
Outcome::Success(Hkp::Email {
email: email,
index: index,
Err(_) => {
query: search
} else if fields.get("op").map(|x| x == "vindex"
|| x.starts_with("x-"))
Outcome::Failure((Status::NotImplemented, ()))
} else {
Outcome::Failure((Status::BadRequest, ()))
#[post("/pks/add", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
pub fn pks_add_form_data(
db: rocket::State<KeyDatabase>,
tokens_stateless: rocket::State<tokens::Service>,
rate_limiter: rocket::State<RateLimiter>,
i18n: I18n,
cont_type: &ContentType,
data: Data,
) -> MyResponse {
match vks_web::process_post_form_data(db, tokens_stateless, rate_limiter, i18n, cont_type, data) {
Ok(_) => MyResponse::plain("Ok".into()),
Err(err) => MyResponse::ise(err),
#[post("/pks/add", format = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data = "<data>")]
pub fn pks_add_form(
request_origin: RequestOrigin,
db: rocket::State<KeyDatabase>,
tokens_stateless: rocket::State<tokens::Service>,
rate_limiter: rocket::State<RateLimiter>,
mail_service: rocket::State<mail::Service>,
i18n: I18n,
data: Data,
) -> MyResponse {
match vks_web::process_post_form(&db, &tokens_stateless, &rate_limiter, &i18n, data) {
Ok(UploadResponse::Ok { is_new_key, key_fpr, primary_uid, token, status, .. }) => {
let msg = pks_add_ok(&request_origin, &mail_service, &rate_limiter, token, status, is_new_key, key_fpr, primary_uid);
Ok(_) => {
let msg = format!("Upload successful. Please note that identity information will only be published after verification. See {baseuri}/about/usage#gnupg-upload", baseuri = request_origin.get_base_uri());
Err(err) => MyResponse::ise(err),
fn pks_add_ok(
request_origin: &RequestOrigin,
mail_service: &mail::Service,
rate_limiter: &RateLimiter,
token: String,
status: HashMap<String, EmailStatus>,
is_new_key: bool,
key_fpr: String,
primary_uid: Option<Email>,
) -> String {
if primary_uid.is_none() {
return format!("Upload successful. Please note that identity information will only be published after verification. See {baseuri}/about/usage#gnupg-upload", baseuri = request_origin.get_base_uri())
let primary_uid = primary_uid.unwrap();
if is_new_key {
if send_welcome_mail(&request_origin, &mail_service, key_fpr, &primary_uid, token) {
rate_limiter.action_perform(format!("hkp-sent-{}", &primary_uid));
return format!("Upload successful. This is a new key, a welcome email has been sent.");
return format!("Upload successful. Please note that identity information will only be published after verification. See {baseuri}/about/usage#gnupg-upload", baseuri = request_origin.get_base_uri())
let has_unverified = status.iter().any(|(_, v)| *v == EmailStatus::Unpublished);
if !has_unverified {
return format!("Upload successful.");
// We send this out on the *second* time the key is uploaded (within one ratelimit period).
let uploaded_repeatedly = !rate_limiter.action_perform(format!("hkp-upload-{}", &key_fpr));
if uploaded_repeatedly && rate_limiter.action_perform(format!("hkp-sent-{}", &primary_uid)) {
if send_upload_mail(&request_origin, &mail_service, key_fpr, &primary_uid, token) {
return format!("Upload successful. An upload information email has been sent.");
return format!("Upload successful. Please note that identity information will only be published after verification. See {baseuri}/about/usage#gnupg-upload", baseuri = request_origin.get_base_uri())
fn send_upload_mail(
request_origin: &RequestOrigin,
mail_service: &mail::Service,
fpr: String,
primary_uid: &Email,
token: String,
) -> bool {
mail_service.send_upload(request_origin.get_base_uri(), fpr, primary_uid, &token).is_ok()
fn send_welcome_mail(
request_origin: &RequestOrigin,
mail_service: &mail::Service,
fpr: String,
primary_uid: &Email,
token: String,
) -> bool {
mail_service.send_welcome(request_origin.get_base_uri(), fpr, primary_uid, &token).is_ok()
pub fn pks_lookup(
state: rocket::State<HagridState>,
db: rocket::State<KeyDatabase>,
key: Hkp
) -> MyResponse {
let (query, index) = match key {
Hkp::Fingerprint { fpr, index } =>
(Query::ByFingerprint(fpr), index),
Hkp::KeyID { keyid, index } =>
(Query::ByKeyID(keyid), index),
Hkp::Email { email, index } => {
(Query::ByEmail(email), index)
Hkp::ShortKeyID { query: _, .. } => {
return MyResponse::bad_request_plain("Search by short key ids is not supported, sorry!");
Hkp::Invalid { query: _ } => {
return MyResponse::bad_request_plain("Invalid search query!");
if index {
key_to_hkp_index(db, query)
} else {
web::key_to_response_plain(state, db, query)
pub fn pks_internal_index(
db: rocket::State<KeyDatabase>,
query_string: String,
) -> MyResponse {
match query_string.parse() {
Ok(query) => key_to_hkp_index(db, query),
Err(_) => MyResponse::bad_request_plain("Invalid search query!")
fn key_to_hkp_index(db: rocket::State<KeyDatabase>, query: Query)
-> MyResponse {
use sequoia_openpgp::types::RevocationStatus;
use sequoia_openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
let tpk = match db.lookup(&query) {
Ok(Some(tpk)) => tpk,
Ok(None) => return MyResponse::not_found_plain(query.describe_error()),
Err(err) => { return MyResponse::ise(err); }
let mut out = String::default();
let p = tpk.primary_key();
let ref policy = StandardPolicy::new();
let ctime = format!("{}", p.creation_time().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs());
let is_rev =
if tpk.revocation_status(policy, None) != RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow {
} else {
let algo: u8 = p.pk_algo().into();
p.fingerprint().to_string().replace(" ", ""),
for uid in tpk.userids() {
let uidstr = uid.userid().to_string();
let u = Uri::percent_encode(&uidstr);
let ctime = uid
.binding_signature(policy, None)
.and_then(|x| x.signature_creation_time())
.and_then(|time| time.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).ok())
.map(|x| format!("{}", x.as_secs()))
let is_rev = if uid.revocation_status(policy, None)
!= RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow
} else {
u, ctime, "", "", is_rev
mod tests {
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::http::ContentType;
use sequoia_openpgp::serialize::Serialize;
use crate::web::tests::*;
use crate::mail::pop_mail;
fn hkp() {
let (tmpdir, client) = client().unwrap();
let filemail_into = tmpdir.path().join("filemail");
// eprintln!("LEAKING: {:?}", tmpdir);
// ::std::mem::forget(tmpdir);
// Generate a key and upload it.
let tpk = build_cert("foo@invalid.example.com");
// Prepare to /pks/add
let mut armored = Vec::new();
use sequoia_openpgp::armor::{Writer, Kind};
let mut w = Writer::new(&mut armored, Kind::PublicKey)
tpk.serialize(&mut w).unwrap();
let mut post_data = String::from("keytext=");
for enc in url::form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(&armored) {
// Add!
let mut response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let body = response.body_string().unwrap();
eprintln!("response: {}", body);
// Check that we get a welcome mail
let welcome_mail = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
// Add!
let mut response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let body = response.body_string().unwrap();
eprintln!("response: {}", body);
// No second email right after the welcome one!
let upload_mail = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
// We should not be able to look it up by email address.
check_null_responses_by_email(&client, "foo@invalid.example.com");
// And check that we can get it back via the machine readable
// interface.
check_mr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk, 0);
// And check that we can see the human-readable result page.
check_hr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk, 0);
// Upload the same key again, make sure the welcome mail is not sent again
let response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let welcome_mail = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
fn hkp_add_two() {
let (tmpdir, client) = client().unwrap();
let filemail_into = tmpdir.path().join("filemail");
// Generate two keys and upload them.
let tpk_0 = build_cert("foo@invalid.example.com");
let tpk_1 = build_cert("bar@invalid.example.com");
// Prepare to /pks/add
let mut armored_first = Vec::new();
let mut armored_both = Vec::new();
use sequoia_openpgp::armor::{Writer, Kind};
let mut w = Writer::new(&mut armored_both, Kind::PublicKey).unwrap();
tpk_0.serialize(&mut w).unwrap();
tpk_1.serialize(&mut w).unwrap();
use sequoia_openpgp::armor::{Writer, Kind};
let mut w = Writer::new(&mut armored_first, Kind::PublicKey).unwrap();
tpk_0.serialize(&mut w).unwrap();
let mut post_data_first = String::from("keytext=");
for enc in url::form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(&armored_first) {
let mut post_data_both = String::from("keytext=");
for enc in url::form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(&armored_both) {
// Add!
let response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
// Check that there is no welcome mail (since we uploaded two)
let welcome_mail = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
// Add the first again
let response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let upload_mail_1 = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
// Add the first again a second time - we should get an upload mail
let response = client.post("/pks/add")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let upload_mail_2 = pop_mail(filemail_into.as_path()).unwrap();
check_mr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk_0, 0);
check_mr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk_1, 0);
check_hr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk_0, 0);
check_hr_responses_by_fingerprint(&client, &tpk_1, 0);