mirror of
synced 2023-02-13 20:55:38 -05:00
Clean up asteroids.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 135 additions and 96 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@ -39,36 +39,34 @@
#include <dispd.h>
const float PI = 3.1415926532f;
inline float RandomFloat()
static inline float RandomFloat()
return arc4random() / (float) UINT32_MAX;
inline float RandomFloat(float min, float max)
static inline float RandomFloat(float min, float max)
return min + RandomFloat() * (max - min);
inline float DegreeToRadian(float degree)
static inline float DegreeToRadian(float degree)
return degree / 180 * PI;
return degree / 180 * M_PI;
inline float RandomAngle()
static inline float RandomAngle()
return RandomFloat() * DegreeToRadian(360);
inline uint32_t MakeColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
static inline uint32_t MakeColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
return b << 0UL | g << 8UL | r << 16UL;
const size_t STARFIELD_WIDTH = 512UL;
const size_t STARFIELD_HEIGHT = 512UL;
static const size_t STARFIELD_WIDTH = 512UL;
static const size_t STARFIELD_HEIGHT = 512UL;
static uint32_t starfield[STARFIELD_WIDTH * STARFIELD_HEIGHT];
void GenerateStarfield(uint32_t* bitmap, size_t width, size_t height)
@ -85,10 +83,10 @@ void GenerateStarfield(uint32_t* bitmap, size_t width, size_t height)
const size_t MAXKEYNUM = 512UL;
bool keysdown[MAXKEYNUM] = { false };
bool keyspending[MAXKEYNUM] = { false };
struct timespec key_handled_last[MAXKEYNUM];
static const size_t MAXKEYNUM = 512UL;
static bool keysdown[MAXKEYNUM] = { false };
static bool keyspending[MAXKEYNUM] = { false };
static struct timespec key_handled_last[MAXKEYNUM];
bool pop_is_key_just_down(int abskbkey)
@ -119,7 +117,8 @@ void FetchKeyboardInput()
const unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_KBKEY
if ( settermmode(0, termmode) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); }
if ( settermmode(0, termmode) )
error(1, errno, "settermmode");
uint32_t codepoint;
ssize_t numbytes;
while ( 0 < (numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint))) )
@ -137,15 +136,14 @@ void FetchKeyboardInput()
size_t xres;
size_t yres;
int fb;
size_t bpp;
size_t linesize;
size_t framesize;
uint32_t* buf;
bool gamerunning;
unsigned long framenum;
static size_t xres;
static size_t yres;
static size_t bpp;
static size_t linesize;
static size_t framesize;
static uint32_t* buf;
static bool gamerunning;
static unsigned long framenum;
void DrawLine(uint32_t color, long x0, long y0, long x1, long y1)
@ -162,10 +160,19 @@ void DrawLine(uint32_t color, long x0, long y0, long x1, long y1)
size_t index = y0 * linesize + x0;
buf[index] = color;
if ( x0 == x1 && y0 == y1 ) { break; }
if ( x0 == x1 && y0 == y1 )
e2 = err;
if ( e2 > -dx ) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; }
if ( e2 < dy ) { err += dx; y0 += sy; }
if ( e2 > -dx )
err -= dy;
x0 += sx;
if ( e2 < dy )
err += dx;
y0 += sy;
@ -180,7 +187,11 @@ public:
Vector& operator=(const Vector& rhs)
if ( this != &rhs ) { x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y; }
if ( this != &rhs )
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
return *this;
@ -265,7 +276,8 @@ public:
const Vector Normalize() const
float size = Size();
if ( size == 0.0 ) { size = 1.0f; }
if ( size == 0.0 )
size = 1.0f;
return *this / size;
@ -302,10 +314,10 @@ class Object;
class Actor;
class Spaceship;
Object* firstobject = NULL;
Object* lastobject = NULL;
Vector screenoff;
Spaceship* playership = NULL;
static Object* firstobject = NULL;
static Object* lastobject = NULL;
static Vector screenoff;
static Spaceship* playership = NULL;
class Object
@ -330,10 +342,14 @@ public:
virtual ~Object()
if ( !prevobj ) { firstobject = nextobj; }
else { prevobj->nextobj = nextobj; }
if ( !nextobj ) { lastobject = prevobj; }
else { nextobj->prevobj = prevobj; }
if ( !prevobj )
firstobject = nextobj;
prevobj->nextobj = nextobj;
if ( !nextobj )
lastobject = prevobj;
nextobj->prevobj = prevobj;
@ -497,7 +513,8 @@ bool Asteroid::InsideMe(const Vector& p)
Vector from = Point(i) + pos;
Vector to = Point(i+1) + pos;
if ( InsideTriangle(from, to, center, p) ) { return true; }
if ( InsideTriangle(from, to, center, p) )
return true;
return false;
@ -518,7 +535,8 @@ void Asteroid::Render()
void Asteroid::OnHit()
if ( !GCIsAlive() ) { return; }
if ( !GCIsAlive() )
Vector axis = Vector(size/2.0f, 0.0f).Rotate(RandomAngle());
float sizea = RandomFloat(size*0.3, size*0.7);
float sizeb = RandomFloat(size*0.3, size*0.7);
@ -561,7 +579,8 @@ void AsteroidField::Think(float /*deltatime*/)
Vector center = ((Actor*)playership)->pos;
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") )
Asteroid* ast = (Asteroid*) obj;
float dist = ast->pos.DistanceTo(center);
@ -613,10 +632,13 @@ void Missile::Think(float deltatime)
if ( ttl < 0 ) { GCDie(); }
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") )
Asteroid* ast = (Asteroid*) obj;
if ( !ast->InsideMe(pos) ) { continue; }
if ( !ast->InsideMe(pos) )
@ -680,14 +702,23 @@ void Attractor::Think(float deltatime)
float sofar = 2.5 * age;
mass = sofar*sofar*sofar*sofar;
size = age*age;
if ( 1.5*60 <= age ) { GCDie(); return; }
if ( 1.5*60 <= age )
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( obj == this ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Actor") ) { continue; }
if ( obj->IsA("Attractor") ) { continue; }
//if ( obj->IsA("Spaceship") ) { continue; }
if ( obj == this )
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Actor") )
if ( obj->IsA("Attractor") )
//if ( obj->IsA("Spaceship") )
// continue;
Actor* other = (Actor*) obj;
Vector relative = pos - other->pos;
float distsq = relative.SquaredSize();
@ -785,8 +816,10 @@ void Spaceship::Think(float deltatime)
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") )
Asteroid* ast = (Asteroid*) obj;
bool iscrystal = ast->Type() == TYPE_CRYSTAL;
bool isinside = false;
@ -794,8 +827,10 @@ void Spaceship::Think(float deltatime)
Vector relative = pos - ast->pos;
float distsq = relative.SquaredSize();
if ( distsq < 4.0 * 4.0 ) { isinside = true; }
if ( distsq < 100 ) { distsq = 100; }
if ( distsq < 4.0 * 4.0 )
isinside = true;
if ( distsq < 100 )
distsq = 100;
float constant = 2000.0;
float forcesize = constant * mass * ast->mass / distsq;
Vector force = relative.Normalize() * forcesize;
@ -823,16 +858,21 @@ void Spaceship::Think(float deltatime)
const float turnspeed = 100.0;
const float turnamount = turnspeed * deltatime;
if ( turnleft ) { shipangle -= DegreeToRadian(turnamount); }
if ( turnright ) { shipangle += DegreeToRadian(turnamount); }
if ( turnleft )
shipangle -= DegreeToRadian(turnamount);
if ( turnright )
shipangle += DegreeToRadian(turnamount);
float shipaccelamount = 15.0;
float shipaccel = 0.0;
if ( moveforward ) { shipaccel += shipaccelamount; }
if ( movebackward ) { shipaccel -= shipaccelamount; }
if ( moveforward )
shipaccel += shipaccelamount;
if ( movebackward )
shipaccel -= shipaccelamount;
force += Vector(shipaccel, 0.0).Rotate(shipangle) * mass;
float shipspeed = vel.Size();
float maxspeed = 50.0f;
//if ( maxspeed < shipspeed ) { vel *= maxspeed / shipspeed; }
//if ( maxspeed < shipspeed )
// vel *= maxspeed / shipspeed;
if ( maxspeed < shipspeed )
Vector backforce = vel.Normalize() * -shipaccelamount * mass;
@ -845,17 +885,18 @@ void Spaceship::Think(float deltatime)
const Vector P3(16.0f, 0.0f);
Vector spawnpos = pos + P3.Rotate(shipangle) * 1.1;
Vector spawnvel = Vector(speed, 0.0).Rotate(shipangle);
if ( missile ) new Missile(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, spawnvel, ttl);
if ( firework ) new Firework(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, spawnvel, 0.0);
if ( attractor ) new Attractor(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, 10000.0, 1.001);
if ( missile )
new Missile(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, spawnvel, ttl);
if ( firework )
new Firework(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, spawnvel, 0.0);
if ( attractor )
new Attractor(spawnpos, vel + spawnvel, 10000.0, 1.001);
void Spaceship::Render()
Vector screenpos = pos - screenoff;
// TODO: Ideally these should be global constants, but global constructors
// are _not_ called upon process initiazation on Sortix yet.
const Vector P1(-8.0f, 8.0f);
const Vector P2(-8.0f, -8.0f);
const Vector P3(16.0f, 0.0f);
@ -917,8 +958,13 @@ Botship::Botship(float shipangle, Vector pos, Vector vel, Vector acc)
this->vel = vel;
this->acc = acc;
this->mass = 1.0;
turnleft = turnright = moveforward = movebackward = missile = \
attractor = firework = false;
turnleft = false;
turnright = false;
moveforward = false;
movebackward = false;
missile = false;
attractor = false;
firework = false;
firedelay = 0.0f;
@ -939,8 +985,10 @@ void Botship::Think(float deltatime)
float targetsafety = 0.0f;
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; !needreturn && obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") )
Asteroid* ast = (Asteroid*) obj;
if ( ast->Type() == TYPE_CRYSTAL )
@ -997,7 +1045,7 @@ void Firework::Think(float deltatime)
const size_t NUM_MISSILES = 8;
const Vector velocity = Vector(MISSILE_SPEED, 0);
const float offsetangle = RandomAngle();
const float angle = 2 * PI / NUM_MISSILES;
const float angle = 2 * M_PI / NUM_MISSILES;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MISSILES; i++ )
Vector dir = velocity.Rotate(offsetangle + angle * i);
@ -1008,10 +1056,13 @@ void Firework::Think(float deltatime)
for ( Object* obj = firstobject; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsAlive() )
if ( !obj->IsA("Asteroid") )
Asteroid* ast = (Asteroid*) obj;
if ( !ast->InsideMe(pos) ) { continue; }
if ( !ast->InsideMe(pos) )
// Fireworks taken out by asteroids before explosion.
@ -1031,7 +1082,8 @@ void GameLogic()
deltatime *= timescale;
Object* first = firstobject;
Object* obj;
for ( obj = first; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() ) { obj->GCBirth(); }
for ( obj = first; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
bool key_a = pop_is_key_just_down(KBKEY_A);
bool key_b = pop_is_key_just_down(KBKEY_B);
bool key_space = pop_is_key_just_down(KBKEY_SPACE);
@ -1044,24 +1096,28 @@ void GameLogic()
new Botship(RandomAngle(), playership->pos, playership->vel);
for ( obj = first; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() )
for ( obj = first; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() )
for ( obj = first; obj; obj = obj->NextObj() )
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() ) { continue; }
if ( !obj->GCIsBorn() )
for ( obj = first; obj; )
Object* todelete = obj;
obj = obj->NextObj();
if ( !todelete->GCIsDead() ) { continue; }
if ( !todelete->GCIsDead() )
delete todelete;
@ -1109,23 +1165,6 @@ void RunFrame(struct dispd_window* window)
char* GetCurrentVideoMode()
FILE* fp = fopen("/dev/video/mode", "r");
if ( !fp ) { return NULL; }
char* mode = NULL;
size_t n = 0;
getline(&mode, &n, fp);
return mode;
int atoi_safe(const char* str)
if ( !str ) { return 0; }
return atoi(str);
void InitGame()
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &lastframeat);
Add table
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