import time import json import atexit import signal import secrets import telebot import threading from PIL import Image from os import listdir, getenv from telebot import types from random import shuffle from os.path import isfile, isdir, join token = getenv('TOKEN') bot_userid = token.split(':')[0] bot = telebot.TeleBot(token) bot.remove_webhook() captcha_wait = {} sem = threading.Semaphore(value=1) def __change(): global captcha_wait try: with open('captcha_wait', 'w') as file: sem.acquire() file.write(json.dumps(captcha_wait)) sem.release() except: pass def __startup(): global captcha_wait try: with open('captcha_wait', 'r') as file: sem.acquire() captcha_wait = json.loads( sem.release() except: pass def getFiles(dir): return [f for f in listdir(dir) if isfile(join(dir, f))] def getDirs(dir): return [d for d in listdir(dir) if isdir(join(dir, d))] def check_perm(message): perms = bot.get_chat_member(, user_id=bot_userid) return (perms.can_restrict_members == True) def get_keyboard(user_id, emojiis): captcha_solve = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=6) ln = len(emojiis) shuffle(emojiis) arr = [] for i in range(0, ln): arr.append(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text = emojiis[i], callback_data = str(user_id) + "_" + emojiis[i]),) i+=1 captcha_solve.add(*arr) return captcha_solve def send_captcha(chat_id, user_id, mention): bot.send_chat_action(chat_id, "upload_photo") emojii_avail = getDirs("./captcha/") emojii_choosen = secrets.choice(emojii_avail) captcha_avail = getFiles("./captcha/" + emojii_choosen) captcha_choosen = secrets.choice(captcha_avail) captcha_loc = join(join("./captcha/", emojii_choosen), captcha_choosen) captcha_image = open(captcha_loc, 'rb') global captcha_wait sem.acquire() if chat_id not in captcha_wait: captcha_wait[chat_id] = {} if user_id not in captcha_wait[chat_id]: captcha_wait[chat_id][user_id] = "" captcha_wait[chat_id][user_id] = emojii_choosen sem.release() msg = bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=captcha_image, caption=mention, reply_markup=get_keyboard(user_id, emojii_avail)) __change() threading.Timer(60 * 5, on_timeout, [chat_id, msg.message_id, user_id]).start() img1 = # this will change next file_id def validate_captcha(chat_id, user_id, suggested_emojii): global captcha_wait sem.acquire() result = False if chat_id in captcha_wait: if user_id in captcha_wait[chat_id]: if suggested_emojii == captcha_wait[chat_id][user_id]: result = True del captcha_wait[chat_id][user_id] sem.release() return result def on_timeout(chat_id, message_id, user_id): try: perms = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id) if perms.can_send_messages == False: bot.kick_chat_member( chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, until_date=int(time.time()) + 3600 * 24 ) if chat_id in captcha_wait: if user_id in captcha_wait[chat_id]: del captcha_wait[chat_id][user_id] bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) except: pass def get_mention(user): mention = str(user.first_name[:32] + " ") if "last_name" in user.__dict__: if user.last_name is not None: mention += str(user.last_name[:32]) mention = mention.rstrip(" ") if "username" in user.__dict__: if user.username is not None: mention = "@" + str(user.username) return mention @bot.message_handler(func=check_perm, content_types=["new_chat_members"]) def handle_new_user(message): for user in message.new_chat_members: if user.is_bot == False: bot.restrict_chat_member(,, until_date=0 ) send_captcha(,, get_mention(user) + ", что изображено на данной картинке? Нажмите на нужную кнопку для ответа.") @bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda c: True) def handle_callback(x): bot.answer_callback_query( data ="_") if str(data[0]) != str( return result = validate_captcha(,, data[1]) if result: msg = bot.send_message(, "По моим данным, " + get_mention(x.from_user) + " похож на человека. Приветствуем!") threading.Timer(60, bot.delete_message, [, msg.message_id]).start() bot.restrict_chat_member(,, until_date=int(time.time())+30, can_send_messages=True ) on_timeout(, x.message.message_id, __startup() bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0, timeout=60)