function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt' set -l last_pipestatus $pipestatus set -l prompt_pwd (prompt_pwd) # Color the prompt differently when we're root set -l color_cwd $fish_color_cwd set -l prefix set -l suffix '$' if contains -- $USER root toor if set -q fish_color_cwd_root set color_cwd $fish_color_cwd_root end set suffix '#' end # Write pipestatus set -l prompt_status (__fish_print_pipestatus " [" "]" "|" (set_color $fish_color_status) (set_color --bold $fish_color_status) $last_pipestatus) if test ! -z $USER prompt_user_host set_color normal echo -n ':' end set_color $color_cwd echo -n $prompt_pwd set_color normal echo -n (fish_vcs_prompt) set_color normal echo -n $prompt_status set_color normal echo -n -s $suffix ' ' end