Improve AST coverage of mutant

* Uses a monkeypach extension to parser with a list of valid node types.
* Add nodes, found to be uncovered to generic mutator.
This commit is contained in:
Markus Schirp 2013-12-29 22:44:30 +01:00
parent 43c546fe74
commit a7c3dc5339
5 changed files with 41 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
source ''
gem 'unparser', git: ''
gem 'mutant', path: '.'

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@ -22,6 +22,30 @@ require 'anima'
require 'concord'
require 'rspec'
# Monkeypatch on parser with a list of allowed nodes.
# Will be pushed upstream once turning out to be correct.
module Parser
module Meta
true false nil int float str dstr str
sym dsym xstr regopt regexp array splat
array pair kwsplat hash irange erange self
lvar ivar cvar gvar const defined? lvasgn
ivasgn cvasgn gvasgn casgn mlhs masgn op_asgn
op_asgn and_asgn ensure rescue arg_expr
or_asgn and_asgn or_asgn back_ref nth_ref
match_with_lvasgn match_current_line
module class sclass def defs undef alias args
cbase arg optarg restarg blockarg block_pass args def kwarg kwoptarg
kwrestarg send super zsuper yield block send
and not or if when case while until while_post
until_post for break next redo return resbody
kwbegin begin retry preexe postexe iflipflop eflipflop
end # Meta
end # Parser
# Library namespace
module Mutant
# The empty string used within this namespace
@ -139,3 +163,4 @@ require 'mutant/reporter/cli/printer/subject'
require 'mutant/reporter/cli/printer/killer'
require 'mutant/reporter/cli/printer/mutation'
require 'mutant/zombifier'

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@ -35,25 +35,19 @@ module Mutant
# Hopefully all node types parser does generate.
# Nodes that are NOT handled by mutant.
# FIXME: Maintain this list only in unparser / parser!
# not - 1.8 only, mutant does not support 1.8
:lvasgn, :ivasgn, :cvasgn, :gvasgn,
:casgn, :masgn, :mlhs, :break, :rescue,
:ensure, :resbody, :begin, :retry, :arg_expr,
:args, :blockarg, :optarg, :kwrestarg, :kwoptarg,
:kwarg, :restarg, :arg, :block_pass, :or, :and,
:next, :undef, :if, :module, :cbase, :block, :send,
:zsuper, :super, :empty, :alias, :for, :redo,
:return, :splat, :defined?, :op_asgn, :self,
:true, :false, :nil, :dstr, :dsym, :regexp,
:regopt, :int, :str, :float, :sym, :pair, :hash, :array,
:xstr, :def, :defs, :case, :when, :ivar, :lvar, :cvar, :gvar,
:back_ref, :const, :nth_ref, :class, :sclass, :yield,
:match_with_lvasgn, :match_current_line, :irange, :erange,
:or_asgn, :kwbegin, :and_asgn, :while
# Nodes that are NOT generated by parser but used by mutant / unparser.
NODE_TYPES = ((Parser::Meta::NODE_TYPES + NODE_EXTRA) - NODE_BLACKLIST).to_set.freeze
end # Mutant

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Mutant
# @api private
def s(type, *children), children), children)
module_function :s

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Mutant do
specify 'mutant should not crash for any node parser can generate' do
Mutant::NODE_TYPES.each do |type|