* Add Mutant::AST namespace to hold all AST related data / helpers.
* Mutant::AST will be externalized into an ast-meta gem that can be
shared with unparser for deduplication.
* Over the time the mutators itself will not need to deal with semantic
analysis of the AST anymore by themselves.
* Move AST analysis for send nodes to AST::Meta
* Fix#209
* I do not use 1.9.3
* Also keeping them in each file increases mental overhead (true it *can* be autoamted)
* None of the files encodes NON ASCII chars.
* I do not expect it makes any difference, since nobody programmatically
will consume strings generated by mutant under the assumption they are UTF-8 encoded.
* 1.9.3 Users have to deal with the encoding fuckup under ruby anyways.
* Expand attr_reader :name, to def name; @name; end
As attr_reader defined methods do not have a valid source location.
* Expose more internal state to allow the generation of nice match
identifications. Needs to be cleaned up.
* One of the main reasons behind mutant was to get a rid of rspec-1.3
in my toolchain.
* Remove most of mri specific stuff from Gemfile.
* Remove of mri specific taks will happen later, will heckle locally
with external rspec-1.3 + heckle setup.
* Mutant should be self hosting as fast as possible :P
* This infrastructure, especially the rake tasks should be
gemified at some point in the future. I copied exactly the same
bytes many times in the last month.