* Currently broken (sorry) but do have to push to fix some nasty
transitive dependency stuff (do not ask).
* Fix fix it tomorrow (hopefully I find the time)
* Adding to_source only to gemspec
* Use ice_nine to deep freeze the deep_cloned nodes that are subject of
mutation to prevent bad mutators having a side effect.
* Mutator and Generator where merged.
* A single pass over all duplications was made.
* It is clear a specific handles?(node) code for finding mutators
is needed. Like virtus does for attributes, should also cache.
* Does not pass on 1.9 mode currently as blocks are unexpectly parsed
differend when it comes to a series of literal booleans.
* Move Mutant::Mutator::Generator in a dedicated file
* Mutant::Mutator::Generator#append only forwards mutated node when it
does not equal original nodes sexpession. This does not catch
equivalent mutations, but mutations that exactly reproduce the same
AST. This way a check for not generating the same asts can be
* This is in progress code. The plan is to support all literals before
beginning to cleanup and dedup the mutation generation. Have to
understand the AST and the possible mutations more in depth before
making structural decisions here.
* Adjust metrics
* Add initial integration spec on method matching
* Yard and Heckle coverage is at 100% (heckle cov is disputable)
* Rcov does not really make sense as MRI 1.8 cannot reach all code