Markus Schirp
Add runner with reporter
* Use MethodObject mixin
* Rename Context::Constant to Context::Scope
* Use Mutation class instead of passing around raw nodes
2012-08-16 04:10:54 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Update url of to_source repo
2012-08-14 12:33:04 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Use dkubb/immutable in a ref IceNine was not used
* IceNine can cause huge problems when larger object graphs
are reachable from an immutable object.
2012-08-09 19:54:52 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Use dkubb/immutable
2012-08-09 19:50:22 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Use abstract support gem instead of homebrew
The support gem is better speced than the homebrew version ever was.
2012-08-03 01:28:15 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Use immutable support gem
2012-08-03 00:19:01 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Break up mutation spec in class specific files
* Also add mutation class registry to improve readability.
* Calling mutations are still broken.
2012-08-01 13:27:35 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Remove virtus as dep, do not use its DescendantsTracker
2012-07-31 19:47:40 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Create namespace for literal mutations
* Do not follow rubinius names anymore.
An explict declaration now declares a mutator handles
specific AST node.
* Has a nice impact on metrics.
2012-07-31 19:45:46 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Switch to rspec-2
* One of the main reasons behind mutant was to get a rid of rspec-1.3
in my toolchain.
* Remove most of mri specific stuff from Gemfile.
* Remove of mri specific taks will happen later, will heckle locally
with external rspec-1.3 + heckle setup.
* Mutant should be self hosting as fast as possible :P
2012-07-31 00:48:04 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Add method matcher infrastructure
Needs more specs for sure. Especially edge cases.
2012-07-23 22:54:35 +02:00
Markus Schirp
Add project infrastructure
* This infrastructure, especially the rake tasks should be
gemified at some point in the future. I copied exactly the same
bytes many times in the last month.
2012-07-23 16:37:44 +02:00