* Warnings do not disturb master output anymore as we redirect stderr of
children to dev null. So the main reason for adding this feature is
gone. BTW Its planned to capture the stderr of childrens later.
* Warning expectations do not work very well under zombification as line
numbers change.
* Add Mutant::AST namespace to hold all AST related data / helpers.
* Mutant::AST will be externalized into an ast-meta gem that can be
shared with unparser for deduplication.
* Over the time the mutators itself will not need to deal with semantic
analysis of the AST anymore by themselves.
* Move AST analysis for send nodes to AST::Meta
* Fix#209
* I do not use 1.9.3
* Also keeping them in each file increases mental overhead (true it *can* be autoamted)
* None of the files encodes NON ASCII chars.
* I do not expect it makes any difference, since nobody programmatically
will consume strings generated by mutant under the assumption they are UTF-8 encoded.
* 1.9.3 Users have to deal with the encoding fuckup under ruby anyways.