module Mutant # The list of ruby kewords from KEYWORDS = %w( BEGIN END __ENCODING__ __END__ __FILE__ __LINE__ alias and begin break case class def define do else elsif end ensure false for if in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self super then true undef unless until when while yield ).map(&:to_sym).to_set.freeze METHOD_POSTFIX_EXPANSIONS = { '?' => '_predicate', '=' => '_writer', '!' => '_bang' }.freeze BINARY_METHOD_OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS = { :<=> => :spaceship_operator, :=== => :case_equality_operator, :[]= => :element_writer, :[] => :element_reader, :<= => :less_than_or_equal_to_operator, :>= => :greater_than_or_equal_to_operator, :== => :equality_operator, :'!~' => :nomatch_operator, :'!=' => :inequality_operator, :=~ => :match_operator, :<< => :left_shift_operator, :>> => :right_shift_operator, :** => :exponentation_operator, :* => :multiplication_operator, :% => :modulo_operator, :/ => :division_operator, :| => :bitwise_or_operator, :^ => :bitwise_xor_operator, :& => :bitwise_and_operator, :< => :less_than_operator, :> => :greater_than_operator, :+ => :addition_operator, :- => :substraction_operator }.freeze UNARY_METHOD_OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS = { :~@ => :unary_match_operator, :+@ => :unary_addition_operator, :-@ => :unary_substraction_operator, :'!' => :negation_operator }.freeze BINARY_METHOD_OPERATORS = BINARY_METHOD_OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS.keys.to_set.freeze OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS = BINARY_METHOD_OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS.merge(UNARY_METHOD_OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS).freeze end