# v0.2.13 2013-01-05 * [fixed] Capture failures that occur in the window between mutation insertion and spec run as kills # v0.2.12 2013-01-03 * [fixed] Do not crash when trying to load methods from precompiled ruby under rbx [Compare v0.2.10..v0.2.12](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.11...v0.2.12) # v0.2.11 2013-01-03 * [change] Handle binary operator methods in dedicated mutator * [fixed] Do not crash when mutating binary operator method [Compare v0.2.10..v0.2.11](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.10...v0.2.11) # v0.2.10 2013-01-03 * [fixed] Do not mutate receivers away when message name is a keyword [Compare v0.2.9..v0.2.10](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.9...v0.2.10) # v0.2.9 2013-01-02 * [feature] Mutate instance and global variable assignments * [feature] Mutate super calls [Compare v0.2.8..v0.2.9](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.8...v0.2.9) # v0.2.8 2012-12-29 * [feature] Do not mutate argument or local variable names beginning with an underscore * [feature] Mutate unary calls ```coerce(object)``` => ```object``` * [feature] Mutate method call receivers ```foo.bar``` => ```foo``` [Compare v0.2.7..v0.2.8](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.7...v0.2.8) # v0.2.7 2012-12-21 * [fixed] Use latest adamantium and ice_nine [Compare v0.2.6..v0.2.7](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.6...v0.2.7) # v0.2.6 2012-12-14 * [fixed] Correctly set file and line of injected mutants [Compare v0.2.5..v0.2.6](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.5...v0.2.6) # v0.2.5 2012-12-12 * [feature] Add --debug flag for showing killer output and mutation * [feature] Run noop mutation per subject to guard against initial failing specs * [feature] Mutate default into required arguments * [feature] Mutate default literals * [feature] Mutate unwinding of pattern args ```|(a, b), c|``` => ```|a, b, c|``` * [feature] Mutate define and block arguments * [feature] Mutate block arguments, inklusive pattern args * [feature] Recurse into block bodies * [change] Unvendor inflector use mbj-inflector from rubygems * [fixed] Insert mutations at correct constant scope * [fixed] Crash on mutating yield, added a noop for now * [fixed] Crash on singleton methods defined on other than constants or self [Compare v0.2.4..v0.2.5](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5) # v0.2.4 2012-12-12 * [fixed] Correctly vendor inflector [Compare v0.2.3..v0.2.4](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4) # v0.2.3 2012-12-08 * [fixed] Prepend extra elements to hash and array instead of append. This fixes unkillable mutators in parallel assignments! [Compare v0.2.2..v0.2.3](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3) # v0.2.2 2012-12-07 * [feature] Add a shitload of operator expansions for dm2 strategy [Compare v0.2.1..v0.2.2](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2) # v0.2.1 2012-12-07 * [fixed] Crash on unavailable source location * [fixed] Incorrect handling of if and unless statements * [fixed] Expand Foo#initialize to spec/unit/foo in rspec dm2 strategy * [fixed] Correctly expand [] to element_reader_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy * [fixed] Correctly expand []= to element_writer_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy * [fixed] Correctly expand foo= to foo_writer_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy [Compare v0.2.0..v0.2.1](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1) # v0.2.0 2012-12-07 First public release!