shared_examples_for 'a method match' do subject { Mutant::Matcher::Method.parse(pattern).to_a } let(:values) { defaults.merge(expectation) } let(:method_name) { values.fetch(:method_name) } let(:method_line) { values.fetch(:method_line) } let(:method_arity) { values.fetch(:method_arity) } let(:constant) { values.fetch(:constant) } let(:node_class) { values.fetch(:node_class) } let(:node) { mutatee.node } let(:context) { mutatee.context } let(:mutatee) { subject.first } it 'should return one mutatee' do subject.size.should be(1) end it 'should have correct method name' do eql(method_name) end it 'should have correct line number' do node.line.should eql(method_line) end it 'should have correct arity' do node.arguments.required.length.should eql(method_arity) end it 'should have correct constant in context' do context.send(:constant).should eql(constant) end it 'should have the correct node class' do node.should be_a(node_class) end end