RSpec.describe Mutant::Mutator::Registry do describe '#lookup' do subject { Mutant::Mutator::REGISTRY.lookup(node) } context 'on registered node' do let(:node) { s(:true) } it { should eql(Mutant::Mutator::Node::Literal::Boolean) } end context 'on unknown node' do let(:node) { s(:unknown) } it 'raises error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(described_class::RegistryError, 'No mutator to handle: :unknown') end end end describe '#register' do let(:object) { } let(:mutator) { double('Mutator') } subject { object.register(type, mutator) } context 'when registering an invalid node type' do let(:type) { :invalid } it 'raises error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(described_class::RegistryError, 'Invalid type registration: invalid') end end context 'when registering a valid node type' do let(:type) { :true } it 'allows to lookup mutator' do subject expect(object.lookup(s(type))).to be(mutator) end it_behaves_like 'a command method' end context 'when duplicate the registration of a valid node type' do let(:type) { :true } it 'allows to lookup mutator' do object.register(type, mutator) expect { subject }.to raise_error(described_class::RegistryError, 'Duplicate type registration: true') end it_behaves_like 'a command method' end end end