require 'spec_helper' if "".respond_to?(:to_ast) describe Mutant, 'method matching' do after do if defined?(::Foo) Object.send(:remove_const, 'Foo') end end before do eval(body) File.stub(:read => body) end let(:defaults) { {} } context 'on instance methods' do let(:pattern) { 'Foo#bar' } let(:defaults) do { :constant => Foo, :node_class => Rubinius::AST::Define, :method_name => :bar, :method_arity => 0 } end context 'when method is defined once' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def bar; end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 2 } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'when method is defined multiple times' do context 'on differend lines' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def bar; end def bar(arg); end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 3, :method_arity => 1 } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'on the same line' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def bar; end; def bar(arg); end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 2, :method_arity => 1 } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'on the same line with differend scope' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def; end; def bar(arg); end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 2, :method_arity => 1 } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'when nested' do let(:pattern) { 'Foo::Bar#baz' } context 'in class' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo class Bar def baz; end end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 3, :method_name => :baz, :constant => Foo::Bar } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'in module' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY module Foo class Bar def baz; end end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_line => 3, :method_name => :baz, :constant => Foo::Bar } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end end end end context 'on singleton methods' do let(:pattern) { '' } let(:defaults) do { :constant => Foo, :node_class => Rubinius::AST::DefineSingletonScope, :method_arity => 0 } end context 'when defined on self' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def; end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_name => :bar, :method_line => 2, } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'when defined on constant' do context 'inside namespace' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo def; end end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_name => :bar, :method_line => 2, } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end context 'outside namespace' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY class Foo; end; def; end RUBY end let(:expectation) do { :method_name => :bar, :method_line => 2, } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end end context 'when defined multiple times in the same line' do context 'with method on differend scope' do let(:body) do <<-RUBY module Foo; end module Bar def self.baz; end; def Foo.baz(arg); end end RUBY end let(:pattern) { 'Bar.baz' } let(:expectation) do { :constant => Bar, :method_name => :baz, :method_line => 4, :method_arity => 0 } end it_should_behave_like 'a method match' end end end end end