* This is in progress code. The plan is to support all literals before beginning to cleanup and dedup the mutation generation. Have to understand the AST and the possible mutations more in depth before making structural decisions here.
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* Get a rid of heckle and test mutant with mutant.
This is interesting IMHO mutant should have another entry point
that does not create the ::Mutant namespace, ideas:
* ::Zombie namespace can be created with dynamically creating a
new library under a differend load path.
* This second entry point should NOT be a plain namespace alias, a full
copy of the library so the mutator does not mutate itself.
* Maybe the full clone could be generated by evaluating the full mutant ast
a second time with a differend module name ast node.
* Get a rid of rspec-1 (can be done once we do not use heckle anymore)
* Add an infrastructure to whitelist for components to heckle on ruby-1.8.
* Allow matches on attr_reader with literal name argument(s)?
* Allow matches on define_method with literal name argument?
* Make sure file is set in generated asts. Has a stupid default corrently.
* Remove duplicated code in Mutatand::Mutator::*
* Add some kind of a "do not touch me object" that raises on all messages.
It can be used to make sure each literal value is touched.
* Replace nil or add "do not touch me object" to literal mutations.
* Add remaining literals