# frozen_string_literal: true class InitialMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change change_types change_functions change_tables change_sequences change_constraints change_triggers end private def change_types enum :sex, %i[male female] enum :relationship_status, %i[supporter excluded member] enum :relationship_role, %i[ federal_manager federal_supervisor regional_manager regional_supervisor ] enum :relationship_federal_secretary_flag, %i[federal_secretary] enum :relationship_regional_secretary_flag, %i[regional_secretary] enum :person_comment_origin, %i[ general_comments first_contact_date latest_contact_date human_readable_id past_experience aid_at_2014_elections aid_at_2015_elections ] end def change_functions func :is_guest_token, <<~SQL (str text) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN str ~ '^[0-9a-f]{32}$'; END; $$; SQL func :is_nickname, <<~SQL (str text) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN length(str) BETWEEN 3 AND 36 AND str ~ '^[a-z][a-z0-9]*(_[a-z0-9]+)*$'; END; $$; SQL func :is_good_text, <<~SQL (str text) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN str ~ '^[^[:space:]]+(.*[^[:space:]])?$'; END; $$; SQL func :is_good_limited_text, <<~SQL (str text, max_length integer) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN LENGTH(str) BETWEEN 1 AND max_length AND is_good_text(str); END; $$; SQL func :is_good_small_text, <<~SQL (str text) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN is_good_limited_text(str, 255); END; $$; SQL func :is_good_big_text, <<~SQL (str text) RETURNS boolean IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN is_good_limited_text(str, 10000); END; $$; SQL func :ensure_superuser_has_related_user, <<~SQL () RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE user record; BEGIN IF NOT NEW.superuser THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; SELECT * FROM users INTO user WHERE users.account_id = NEW.id; IF user IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'does not have related user'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ SQL func :ensure_contact_list_id_remains_unchanged, <<~SQL () RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.contact_list_id IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.contact_list_id THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'can not change column "contact_list_id"'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$; SQL func :ensure_contact_list_id_matches_related_person, <<~SQL () RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE person record; BEGIN IF NEW.person_id IS NULL THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; SELECT * FROM people INTO person WHERE people.id = NEW.person_id; IF person IS NULL THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; IF NEW.contact_list_id IS DISTINCT FROM person.contact_list_id THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'column "contact_list_id" does not match related person'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$; SQL end def change_tables create_table :contact_networks do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.string :nickname, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.string :public_name, null: false, index: { unique: true } end create_table :contact_lists do |t| t.timestamps null: false end create_table :contacts do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :contact_list, null: false, index: true, foreign_key: true t.references :contact_network, null: false, index: true, foreign_key: true t.string :value, null: false end create_table :federal_subjects do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.string :english_name, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.string :native_name, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.string :centre, null: false, index: false t.integer :number, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.interval :timezone, null: false, index: false end create_table :regional_offices do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :federal_subject, null: false, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true end create_table :people do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.string :first_name, null: false t.string :middle_name, null: true t.string :last_name, null: false t.column :sex, :sex, null: true t.date :date_of_birth, null: true t.string :place_of_birth, null: true t.references :contact_list, null: false, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true end create_table :passports do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.string :last_name, null: false t.string :first_name, null: false t.string :middle_name t.column :sex, :sex, null: false t.date :date_of_birth, null: false t.string :place_of_birth, null: false t.integer :series, null: false t.integer :number, null: false t.text :issued_by, null: false t.string :unit_code, null: false t.date :date_of_issue, null: false t.references :person, index: true, foreign_key: true t.references :federal_subject, index: true, foreign_key: true t.string :zip_code t.string :town_type t.string :town_name t.string :settlement_type t.string :settlement_name t.string :district_type t.string :district_name t.string :street_type t.string :street_name t.string :residence_type t.string :residence_name t.string :building_type t.string :building_name t.string :apartment_type t.string :apartment_name end create_table :accounts do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.string :guest_token, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.string :nickname, null: false, index: { unique: true } t.string :public_name t.text :biography t.boolean :superuser, null: false, default: false t.references :person, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true t.references :contact_list, null: false, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true end create_table :person_comments do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :person, null: false, index: true, foreign_key: true t.references :account, null: true, index: true, foreign_key: true t.text :text, null: false t.column :origin, :person_comment_origin end create_table :users do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :account, null: false, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true ## Database authenticatable t.string :email, null: false, default: '' t.string :encrypted_password, null: false, default: '' ## Recoverable t.string :reset_password_token t.datetime :reset_password_sent_at ## Rememberable t.datetime :remember_created_at ## Trackable t.integer :sign_in_count, default: 0, null: false t.datetime :current_sign_in_at t.datetime :last_sign_in_at t.inet :current_sign_in_ip t.inet :last_sign_in_ip ## Confirmable t.string :confirmation_token t.datetime :confirmed_at t.datetime :confirmation_sent_at t.string :unconfirmed_email ## Lockable t.integer :failed_attempts, default: 0, null: false t.string :unlock_token t.datetime :locked_at t.index :email, unique: true t.index :reset_password_token, unique: true t.index :confirmation_token, unique: true t.index :unlock_token, unique: true end create_table :user_omniauths do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :user, index: true, foreign_key: true t.string :provider, null: false t.string :remote_id, null: false t.string :email, null: false t.index %i[remote_id provider], unique: true end create_table :relationships do |t| t.timestamps null: false t.references :person, null: false, index: false, foreign_key: true t.references :regional_office, null: false, index: true, foreign_key: true t.date :from_date, null: false, index: true t.date :until_date, null: true, index: false t.column :status, :relationship_status, null: false, index: true t.column :role, :relationship_role, null: true, index: true t.column :federal_secretary_flag, :relationship_federal_secretary_flag, null: true, index: { unique: true } t.column :regional_secretary_flag, :relationship_regional_secretary_flag, null: true, index: true t.index %i[person_id from_date], unique: true t.index( %i[regional_office_id regional_secretary_flag], name: :index_relationships_on_regional_office_id_and_secretary_flag, unique: true, ) end end def change_sequences reversible do |dir| dir.up do execute <<~SQL ALTER SEQUENCE contact_networks_id_seq RESTART WITH 100; ALTER SEQUENCE federal_subjects_id_seq RESTART WITH 100; ALTER SEQUENCE contacts_id_seq RESTART WITH 4000; ALTER SEQUENCE people_id_seq RESTART WITH 3000; SQL end end end def change_constraints constraint :contacts, :value, <<~SQL is_good_small_text(value) SQL constraint :contact_networks, :nickname, <<~SQL is_nickname(nickname) SQL constraint :contact_networks, :public_name, <<~SQL is_good_small_text(public_name) SQL constraint :relationships, :dates, <<~SQL until_date IS NULL OR from_date < until_date SQL constraint :relationships, :role, <<~SQL status = 'member' OR role IS NULL SQL constraint :relationships, :federal_secretary_flag, <<~SQL federal_secretary_flag IS NULL OR role = 'federal_manager' SQL constraint :relationships, :regional_secretary_flag, <<~SQL regional_secretary_flag IS NULL OR role = 'regional_manager' SQL constraint :accounts, :guest_token, <<~SQL is_guest_token(guest_token) SQL constraint :accounts, :nickname, <<~SQL is_nickname(nickname) SQL constraint :accounts, :public_name, <<~SQL public_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(public_name) SQL constraint :accounts, :biography, <<~SQL biography IS NULL OR is_good_big_text(biography) SQL constraint :federal_subjects, :english_name, <<~SQL is_good_small_text(english_name) SQL constraint :federal_subjects, :native_name, <<~SQL is_good_small_text(native_name) SQL constraint :federal_subjects, :centre, <<~SQL is_good_small_text(centre) SQL constraint :federal_subjects, :number, <<~SQL number > 0 SQL constraint :passports, :zip_code, <<~SQL zip_code IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(zip_code) SQL constraint :passports, :town_type, <<~SQL town_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(town_type) SQL constraint :passports, :town_name, <<~SQL town_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(town_name) SQL constraint :passports, :settlement_type, <<~SQL settlement_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(settlement_type) SQL constraint :passports, :settlement_name, <<~SQL settlement_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(settlement_name) SQL constraint :passports, :district_type, <<~SQL district_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(district_type) SQL constraint :passports, :district_name, <<~SQL district_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(district_name) SQL constraint :passports, :street_type, <<~SQL street_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(street_type) SQL constraint :passports, :street_name, <<~SQL street_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(street_name) SQL constraint :passports, :residence_type, <<~SQL residence_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(residence_type) SQL constraint :passports, :residence_name, <<~SQL residence_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(residence_name) SQL constraint :passports, :building_type, <<~SQL building_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(building_type) SQL constraint :passports, :building_name, <<~SQL building_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(building_name) SQL constraint :passports, :apartment_type, <<~SQL apartment_type IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(apartment_type) SQL constraint :passports, :apartment_name, <<~SQL apartment_name IS NULL OR is_good_small_text(apartment_name) SQL end def change_triggers reversible do |dir| dir.down do execute 'DROP TRIGGER ensure_superuser_has_related_user ON accounts;' end dir.up do execute <<~SQL CREATE TRIGGER ensure_superuser_has_related_user BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON accounts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ensure_superuser_has_related_user(); SQL end end reversible do |dir| dir.down do execute <<~SQL DROP TRIGGER ensure_contact_list_id_remains_unchanged ON people; SQL end dir.up do execute <<~SQL CREATE TRIGGER ensure_contact_list_id_remains_unchanged BEFORE UPDATE OF contact_list_id ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ensure_contact_list_id_remains_unchanged(); SQL end end reversible do |dir| dir.down do execute <<~SQL DROP TRIGGER ensure_contact_list_id_matches_related_person ON accounts; SQL end dir.up do execute <<~SQL CREATE TRIGGER ensure_contact_list_id_matches_related_person BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF person_id, contact_list_id ON accounts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ensure_contact_list_id_matches_related_person(); SQL end end end def func(name, sql) reversible do |dir| dir.up do execute "CREATE FUNCTION #{name} #{sql}" end dir.down do execute "DROP FUNCTION #{name}" end end end def enum(name, values) reversible do |dir| dir.up do execute <<~SQL CREATE TYPE #{name} AS ENUM (#{values.map { |s| "'#{s}'" }.join(', ')}) SQL end dir.down do execute "DROP TYPE #{name}" end end end def constraint(table, name, check) reversible do |dir| dir.up do execute <<~SQL ALTER TABLE #{table} ADD CONSTRAINT #{name} CHECK (#{check}) SQL end dir.down do execute <<~SQL ALTER TABLE #{table} DROP CONSTRAINT #{name} SQL end end end end