Feature: Staff people create Background: Given I am signed in as superuser Given I visit "/staff/people" Given I click "Создать" Scenario: with valid attributes When I fill form with the following data: | key | value | | Фамилия | Иванов | | Имя | Павел | And I click the form button "Отправить" Then I am at "/staff/people/\d+" And I see text "Иванов" And I see text "Павел" Scenario: with invalid attributes: When I fill form with the following data: | key | value | | Фамилия | Иванов | And I click the form button "Отправить" Then I am at "/staff/people" And I see text "Пожалуйста, исправьте следующие ошибки" And I see text "Имя не может быть пустым"