Feature: Account Scenario: of a user Given there is a usual account with the following data: | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I do not see text "Администратор" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Не относится к партии" Scenario: of a superuser Given there is a superuser account with the following data: | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Администратор" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Не относится к партии" Scenario: of a supporter Given there is a supporter account with the following data: | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Сторонник партии" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of an excluded member Given there is an excluded member account with the following data: | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Исключён из партии" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a member Given there is a member account with the following data: | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a federal manager Given there is a member account with the following data: | factory | federal_manager_person | | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Член ФК" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a federal supervisor Given there is a member account with the following data: | factory | federal_supervisor_person | | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Член ЦКРК" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a regional manager Given there is a member account with the following data: | factory | regional_manager_person | | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Член РК РО" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a regional supervisor Given there is a member account with the following data: | factory | regional_supervisor_person | | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Член КРК РО" And I see text "Москва" Scenario: of a regional secretary Given there is a member account with the following data: | factory | regional_secretary_person | | nickname | kotovalexarian | | public_name | Alex Kotov | | biography | Hi there :) | | federal_subject | Москва | When I visit "/accounts/kotovalexarian" Then I see text "kotovalexarian" And I see text "Alex Kotov" And I see text "Hi there :)" And I see text "Член партии" And I see text "Секретарь РК РО" And I see text "Москва"