Tool used to create the [BarnacleOS]( images.
Based on [pi-gen]( tool used to create
the official []( Raspbian images.
On Debian-based systems:
apt-get install quilt parted qemu-user-static debootstrap zerofree zip \
dosfstools libcap2-bin grep rsync
The file `depends` contains a list of tools needed. The format of this
file is `<tool>[:<debian-package>]`.
Network configuration
* Hostname: `barnacleos`
* FQDN: `barnacleos.local`
* Subnet: `` (netmask ``)
* Gateway: ``
* Broadcast: ``
* IP range: `` to ``
System configuration
* Root login via SSH is disabled
* User `user` has access via SSH with password `password`
* SSH host keys are generated at first startup,
so fingerprint is different for each installation of the same image
* User has passwordless sudo