barnacleos/build ================ Tool used to create the [BarnacleOS]( images. Based on [pi-gen]( tool used to create the official []( Raspbian images. Table of contents ----------------- * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Build](#build) * [Network interfaces](#network-interfaces) * [System configuration](#system-configuration) Dependencies ------------ On Debian-based systems: ```bash apt-get install bash quilt parted qemu-user-static debootstrap zerofree zip \ dosfstools libcap2-bin grep rsync ``` The file `depends` contains a list of tools needed. The format of this file is `[:]`. Build ----- Run `sudo ./` to build the image. The following files will be created: * `rootfs/` - the root file system (`/` and `/boot/` partitions) * `deploy/BarnacleOS-YYYY-MM-DD.img` - the image to write to SD card * `deploy/` - ZIP archive with the image Network interfaces ------------------ Some initial configuration may be required to use the default BarnacleOS image, such as Wi-Fi drivers installation. It can be done via SSH. Network interface `eth0` has default configurations to help you to connect. It is configured by default to get IPv4 address from router via DHCP without any assumptions about subnet configuration. You can just plug your Raspberry Pi to router with Ethernet cable, discover which address was given to it in router's web interface or with `nmap` utility and connect to it via SSH. System configuration -------------------- The following information can be helpful when you connect to BarnacleOS router and configure it: * Root login via SSH is disabled * Root password is disabled * User `user` has access via SSH with password `password` * SSH host keys are generated at first startup, so fingerprint is different for each installation of the same image * User has passwordless sudo